Petite redaction en anglais !

Publié le 3 avr. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 avr. 2011 dans 13A
15.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Redigez une petite histoire en anglais qui '' fait peur '' . Si quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes fautes car je ne suis pas très forte en rédaction :) Merci d'avance .

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

A little girl was asleep before she heard a door creaking. She jumped and screamed. She went out of her bedroom for to see if somebody had entered in the house. She saw the man with the knife, she thought of a murderer. She ran to prevent his father who slept and snored. She woke him and they left to his research. The murderer surprised them. The father and his daughter fled and left conscript the Police. They ran to hide, but the murderer found them and killed them. 10 min later, the Police arrived but it was too late .

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 avr. 2011
A little girl was asleep before she heard a door creaking. She jumped and screamed. She went out of her bedroom to see if somebody had entered in the house. She saw the man with the knife, she thought that he was the murderer. She ran to prevent his father who slept and snored. She woke him and they left to his research. The murderer surprised them. The father and his daughter fled and left conscript the Police. They ran to hide, but the murderer found them and killed them. 10 min later, the Police arrived but it was too late.
Posté le 3 avr. 2011
Merci beaucoup :D
Posté le 3 avr. 2011
A little girl was asleep and she heard a door cracking. She jumped and screamed. She went out of her bedroom to check if anybody had entered in the house. She saw the man with a knife, she thought of a murderer. She ran to tell her father who was sleeping and snoring . She woke him up and they left to search him. The murderer surprised them. The father and his daughter fled to call the Police. They ran to hide themselves, but the murderer found them and killed them. 10 min later, the Police arrived but it was too late .

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