Pour demain svp!

Publié le 15 janv. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 17 janv. 2017 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour c'est urgent pour demain svp je dois trouver les avantages du bâtiments dans le texte et ce qu'on peut en déduire de ces avantages.

voici le texte :

A dramatic vertical greenhouse shaped like the wings of a dragonfly could revolutionise farming in cities around the world, according to its architect.

The bizarre looking 600m tall building was designed by Belgian designer Vincent Callebaut and would be based on Roosevelt Island in New York.

Spread across 132 floors it would provide urban farming space with enough room to raise cattle and poultry and 28 different types of crops.

There would also be space for housing and offices with walls and ceilings used to grow kitchen gardens. Each level would be cultivated by the residents.

The vertical farm is shaped like the wings of a dragonfly. It would be self-sufficient in water, energy and bio fertilizing.



est ce que vous pouvez me retrouver les avantages comme je dis a partir de ces avantages ce qu'on peut en déduire. Merci de votre aide.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici les avantages que j'ai trouvé pour l'instant :

- 28 differents type of crops

Each level would be cultivated by the residents. The vertical farm is shaped like the wings of a dragonfly


j'ai trouvé que ca il faut que je retrouve les autres et dire ce que je peux en déduire de ces avantages.

11 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

- self-sufficient in water

- with walls and ceilings used to grow kitchen gardens

- Each level would be cultivated by the residents.


Donc l'auto suffisance et développement durable ( recyclage eau)

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

Mes 2 avantages sont bons aussi?

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

- self-sufficient in water

- with walls and ceilings used to grow kitchen gardens

- Each level would be cultivated by the residents.

We can deduce the self-sufficient and the developpement durable (je ne sais pas comment dire en anglais) that is the recycling of water.

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

could revolutionise farming in cities

self-sufficient in water, energy and bio fertilizing.

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

The vertical farm is shaped like the wings of a dragonfly : ce n'est pas un avantage. C'est juste une description

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

The vertical farm is shaped like the wings of a dragonfly

Non, ce n'est pas un avantage.

Sinon éventuellement pour capter le vent.

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

Est ce que c'est bon gamy ?

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

- self-sufficient in water

- with walls and ceilings used to grow kitchen gardens

- Each level would be cultivated by the residents.

We can deduce the self-sufficient and the developpement durable (je ne sais pas comment dire en anglais) that is the recycling of water.  


Puis après je n'arrive pas

Posté le 15 janv. 2017

sustainable development = développement durable

Posté le 16 janv. 2017

it would provide urban farming space with enough room to raise cattle and poultry and 28 different types of crops.

space for housing and offices with walls and ceilings used to grow kitchen gardens

Each level would be cultivated by the residents.

It would be self-sufficient in water, energy and bio fertilizing.


Voila les differents avantages de ces farmes. Bon courage

Posté le 16 janv. 2017

les avantages :

- enough room to raise cattle and poultry

- 28 differents type of crops

- space for housing and offices

- each level would be cultivated by the residents

- self sufficient in water, energy and bio fertilizing

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