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Publié le 27 déc. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 déc. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

je dois faire une rédaction de 200 mots en anglais, au prétérit, à la 3éme peronne du singulier.En s'aidant des images de son manuel

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The murder og mayor
on friday morning will take place elections to elect the new mayor of the city.But one of the candidates, one who was loved by peapole was killed.
The professor Helmer will investigate to find the murdererbecause he was the best friend of the victime.He suspects John Goodface because also wanted be mayor of the city.
Monday morning the professor Helmer decided to watch over John Goodface.
He knows his practices, then he hided in abuilding to observe the suspect. he used hi magnifiying glasses t see more.
Whie, John Goodface was in the parf car with a man. They exchanged a suite case. the doubs's professor confirmed. It seems that John Goodface rewards his accomplice. Suddenly he noticed another man dressed as an electrician which seems to be preparing something stange.
All of suddenly the professor Helmer undertood that man want to detonate a bomb.Then, he realized that John goodface han nothing have wih urder of his friend becase he too somebody would want his death.He rushed instectively to a car park in order to prevent another murder. Amazed john does not understand what takes place.The proessor went to Mr Goodace's car very fast.He tried to save him but the car explodes and the two men were ejected.They die.Police seized of the case but it was never resolved.

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