Présentation orale d'une histoire

Publié le 24 nov. 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 1 déc. 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois créer une histoire sur un super héros que je dois inventer, je devrais le présenter à l'oral mais j'aimerais dabord que vous me corrigez si j'ai des fautes de langues, de conjugaisons ...

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Antoine is a superhéros. he is a fireman. At twenty seven year old, he going to his job like every day. Suddenly, the alarm sounds announcing a fire broke in a school. The Fireman going at the field. arriving, The parents are in crying. No firefighter dares entered in the school but Antoine took his courage in both hands and course in directions of the door and coming out all pupils trapped by the fire.
For his bravery, Antoine has got a promotion and the medal of the city. Parents also give a reward.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 nov. 2012
Antoine is a superhéros. he is a fireman. At twenty seven year old, he is going to his job like every day. Suddenly, the alarm sounds announcing a fire broke in a school. The Fireman is going at the field. Upon arriving, the parents are crying. No firefighter dared to enter in the school but Antoine took the bull by the horns and and ran to the door and rescued all pupils trapped by the fire.
For his bravery, Antoine has got a promotion and the medal of the city. His parents also give him a reward.

Voilà, c'est mieux comme ça !
Posté le 25 nov. 2012
Merci !

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