Rédaction anglais : "My Ideal City" : Besoin d'une correction.

Publié le 8 janv. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 12 janv. 2012 dans 12A
18.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Je dois décrire ma ville "idéale", en utilisant beaucoup de conditionnel et de préposition comme inside, near, among...
J'aurais besoin que quelqu'un me corrige mes sûrement très nombreuses fautes s'il vous plait ^^
(Et en même temps, pourriez-vous me dire si, d'après vous, j'ai assez mis de conditionnel et de préposition ?)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

My ideal city would be located near the sea. Beaches would be along numerous cliffs. The sea would be smooth, what makes that we could go for a swim and bathe without danger. The climate would always be bright and sunny, but not too sultry : there wouldn't be dog days.
My ideal city would have to been always lively : it might be like New York : she would never sleep. It would be a good place for young people and all persons who would want to have fun; thanks to the pubs, bars, night clubs, etc, which are next to the stadium, the theatre, the cinema, etc. But if you wanted silence and quiet, you might go to the quiet part of the city : we would can find many prestigious schools, which would be free for all the levels. Near to schools, there would be a library, opposite to the museum.
There would be a big field of soccer and rugby inside a big track, with free access for all; where the inhabitants might do sport freely.
Close to the track, there would be a big skate-park where many teenagers would can have fun with their friends.
There would be too many shops and many beautiful structure which we would can visited freely.
My ideal city would be too unpolluted : all would be environment-friendly. There would be many green areas inside my city, with many plants ans trees everywhere; where the inhabitants could relax after a hard working day or just have a good time. The pedestrians could also go for a stroll along the numerous lanes and paths accross the forest, among birds and many animals which would live inside.
In my city, there wouln't be litter on the ground, all the inhabitants would be respectful of the planet.
Among the inhabitants, all the persons would be behind with the others and be nice. There would be a good atmosphere, even between neighbours.
In my ideal city, there would have no violence, no racism and no discrimination.
There would be too not unemployement and all the inhabitants would be happy.

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 9 janv. 2012
woould can n'existe pas
c'est : would be able to

there would be no violence

there would also be full employment= there wouldn't be any unemployment either

ton texte est intéressant et plutôt bien écrit. Je n'ai pas corrigé toutes les maladresses
Posté le 9 janv. 2012
My ideal city would be located near the sea. Beaches would be along numerous cliffs. The sea would be quiet, so that we could go for a swim without any danger. The climate would always be nice and sunny, but not too stuffy : there wouldn't be any dog days.
My ideal city would be lively like New York : it would never sleep. It would be a good place for young people and all persons who would want to have fun thanks to the pubs, bars, night clubs, etc, which are next to the stadium, the theatre, the cinema, etc. But if you wanted some silence and quietness, you could go to the quietest part of the city : we would be able to find many prestigious schools, which would be free for all the levels. Near the schools, there would be a library, opposite to the museum.
There would be a big soccer and rugby field inside a big track, with free admission;the inhabitants would be able to do sport freely and for free.
Close to the track, there would be a big skate-park where many teenagers would be able to have fun with their friends.
There would be too many shops and many beautiful facilities available for everybody.
My ideal city would not be too polluted : everything wuold be environment-friendly. There would be many green spaces inside my city, with many plants ans trees everywhere; where the inhabitants could relax after a hard working day or just have a good time. The pedestrians could also go for a stroll along the numerous lanes and paths accross the forest, among birds and many animals which would live inside.
In my city, there wouln't be litter on the ground, all the inhabitants would be respectful of the planet.
Among the inhabitants, everybody would be helpful, united and be nice. There would be a good atmosphere, neighbours would be able to get along with each other. In my ideal city, there would have no violence, no racism and no discrimination.
There would not be any unemployment and all the inhabitants would be happy.

Voilà je t'ai corrigé un peu l'ensemble. Il faut que tu revoir les modaux absolument.
I would be et I would to be.

Posté le 9 janv. 2012
En ce qui concerne woould, c'est une erreur de frappe ^^'

Merci beaucoup d'avoir corrigé mes fautes !!
Posté le 9 janv. 2012
Merci beaucoup miren75 pour cette très complète correction ! Cela m'a beaucoup aidé !
Oui j'ai beaucoup de mal avec les modaux... Je vais m'y mettre dès à présent !
Posté le 9 janv. 2012
Oups, désolée j'ai mal compris le "woould", j'ai lu trop vite ^^'
Oui je maîtrise très mal le conditionnel...
Encore merci !
Posté le 9 janv. 2012
Oups, désolée j'ai mal compris le "woould", j'ai lu trop vite ^^'
Oui je maîtrise très mal le conditionnel...
Encore merci !

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