Rédaction correction fautes

Publié le 7 nov. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 9 nov. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir, pouvez-vous me corriger les fautes de cette rédaction. Merci.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

"I have good relationships with my parents. My father is nice and generous and my mother is strict but funny. They don't get that angry if I do something wrong. The only thing is that they're overprotective; they won’t let me out too late. My mother is more understanding than my father. I can trust to my mother because she is cool. I respect my parents because they are nice and not boring. My parents let me socialize and have a teenage life but they won't let me have a pet.
As a conclusion, my parents are nice and funny."

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 8 nov. 2010
Bonjour Frite,

Voici ton texte corrigé:

"I have good relationships with my parents. My father is nice and generous and my mother is strict but funny. They don't get that angry if I do something wrong. The only thing is that they're overprotective; they won’t let me out too late. My mother is more understanding than my father. I can trust my mother because she is cool. I respect my parents because they are nice and not boring. My parents let me socialise and have a teenage life but they won't let me have a pet.
As a conclusion, my parents are nice and funny."

Juste quelques erreurs pas trop grave, socialiSe et non sacialiZe. ^^


Benjamin CNED 3ème

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