Rédaction, raconter son premier jour d'école

Publié le 29 sept. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 1 oct. 2010 dans 13A
19.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Describe your first day at school this year. How did you feel ?
Minimum 150 mots- lignes
Maximum 250 mots

Donc là je n'ai pas fini, il me reste un peu plus de 50 lignes mais j'aimerais juste que vous m'aidiez à corriger les fautes où si vous voulez me donnez des idées ....
Merci d'avance, j'ai beaucoup de mal en anglais, soyez compréhensifs ( lol ).

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

My first day at school this year.
I arrived the on 2nd September to the secondary school Notre Dame.
Where I was already since 4 years before.
I was lost because I didn't know the classrooms.
I felt very small by comparison to the others.
I knew already some teachers but most were newcomers.
In my classroom only 4 students were already at school last year.
At the beginning of the class, in the morning the director took the roolcall. Then the headteacher gave us the timetable. Mine was ratherwell organized.
At twelve, I ate with 3 friends.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 sept. 2010

Je dirais plutôt :

My first school day :

I arrived on the 2nd of September at Notre Dame secondary school. I've already been studying there for 4 years, in spite of that I was a bit lost, because I didn't know the classrooms. I also felt quite small, comparing to some other pupils (those studying in a higher grade). I already knew some teachers, but most of them where newcomers. But it was quite nice, because four of my previous schoolmates where in my classroom.
In the morning, at the beginning of the course the director took the roll call, then, came our headteacher who gave the timetable; mine was rather OK.
I had my lunch with 3 friends of mine
Posté le 29 sept. 2010
Waw merci beaucoup ;)
* bon un petit tour sur google traduction parce que moi et l'anglais ça fais 1000 lol ( déjà que je m'étais fait aider par quelqu'un pour le premier texte que j'avais mis ). Je reviendrais vous demandez de l'aide pour la suite de ma rédaction ;) .
Posté le 29 sept. 2010
par contre va falloir que je vois pour les termes employés parce que notre prof à dis que elle verrait bien si on s'est fait aidé si on utilise des termes qui ne sont pas de notre niveaux et qu'elle enlèverais des points ;)

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