Rédaction _ relationship between robots and humans. (200 mots)

Publié le 26 déc. 2017 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 29 déc. 2017 dans 6A
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Sujet du devoir

Je dois écrire un article 4200 mots) sur :

What will the relationship between humans and robots be like in the future ?

voici si-dessous ce que j'ai fait. Merci de jeter un coup d’œil sur mon travail et me donner quelques améliorations et surement corriger quelques fautes d'orthographes.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Robots have revolutionized the lifestyle of human beings, they can do many things and they are very helpful, so we must get used the idea of having to interact with robots.

                On the one hand, the idea of humans interacting with a robot is exciting for some people.  At first, robots are so realistic, and it would be easy to create a relationship with them. Also, people can failing in love with their robot. Furthermore, it would be really cool to have a robot to assist you with your studies at school and could interact with your teacher and classmates. Moreover, the doctor Alexander Lenz created a robot being able to understand our emotions such as the sadness or the happiness.

                On the other hand, relationship between humans and robots is scary for others people. Firstly, the idea of robots looking like, and even acting like humans, pretty scary. Next, robots will take jobs of human beings and this will cause unemployment, consequently some people might hate robots.

                To conclude, the relationship between humans and robot may be possible, whilst some people are sceptics.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 déc. 2017

Ajoute aussi le fait que les robots sont utilisés dans les entreprises et que certains scientifique ont  peur que ces robots aient une 'conscience" comme nous

Posté le 27 déc. 2017

Robots have revolutionized the lifestyle of human beings, they can do many things and are very helpful, so humans must get used the idea of having to interact with robots.

                On  one hand, the idea of humans interacting with a robot is exciting for many.  At first, robots are so realistic, and it would be easy to create a relationship with them. Also, people may fall in love with their robot. Furthermore, it would be really interesting to have a robot to assist you with your studies at school and could interact with your teacher and classmates. Moreover, the doctor Alexander Lenz created a robot being able to understand our emotions such as the sadness or the happiness.

                On the other hand, relationships between humans and robots is scary for other people. Firstly, the idea of robots resembling to humans in their actions is pretty scary. Next, robots will take jobs of human beings and this will cause unemployment, consequently some people might hate robots.

                To conclude, the relationship between humans and robot may be possible, whilst some people are sceptics.

* * * * 

J'ai edite ton texte. Peut etre tu peux aussi parler de l'utilisation des robots dans les usines. Le fait qu'il faciliterai la vie. Ils pourraient aussi perdre control. Ils sont plus intelligents que les humains, donc ils peuvent trouver des solutions a des problemes que les humains ne peuvent pas trouver. Ils sont pas cabales de montrer des emotions.

J'ai pas mis les accents, sorry :).

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