
Publié le 5 mai 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 9 mai 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

le pére du garçon paiera une amende et ira en prison si il autorise son fils à sauter .si il va en prison,mike ne verra pas son pé pas avoir son pére à ses cotés quand on n'a que cinq ans est une mauvaise chose. par exemple il ne pourra pas lui donner de conseil et l'aider dans ses activitées

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The boy's father pay a fine and go to prison if he allows his son to jump. if he goes to jail, will not see his mike pé not have his father at his side when only five years is a bad thing. for example it will not give him advice and help in its activitées

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 mai 2010
The boy's father is going to pay a fine and he is going to go in prison if he allows his son to jump. if he goes to jail, mike will not see his pére.Don't having his father near him when we are only five years is a bad thing. for example it couldn't give him advice and help in its activitées.

Posté le 5 mai 2010
Pas tou à fait juste voici la traduction exacte:

The pére of the boy will pay a fine and will go to prison if it authorizes his(her) son to jump .si it goes to prison, mike will not see his(her) pé not having his(her) pére in his(her) quoted(esteemed) when we are only five years old is a bad thing(matter). For example he cannot look to him(her) of advice(council) and help him(her,it) in his activitées

Bye et bonne chance,

Posté le 5 mai 2010
Ouups petites erreures, je rectifie :

The father of the boy will pay a fine and will go to prison if he authorizes his son to jump .he goes to prison, mike will not see his(her) not having his father in his(her) quoted(esteemed) when we are only five years old is a bad thing(matter). For example he cannot look to him(her) of advice(councils) and help him(her,it) in his activity.

Posté le 5 mai 2010
t'as traduit sur internet.pfff
Posté le 5 mai 2010

sans traducteur:

The boy's father will pay a fine and will go to jail if he allows his son to bungee jump (sauter à l'élastique).
If his father is in jail, then Mike would not see him.
Not having his father by his side when being 5 is a very bad thing.
For example, he will not be able to give Mike some advices or help Mike for any activities.


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