Virpal et Qhun ;raconter leurs histoire et les comparer

Publié le 26 mars 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 2 avr. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour Pour mon controle d'anglais je dois etre capable de raconter les experences d'immigration de Virpal et Quynh et de les comparere voici leurs histoires:

My name is Virpal,I am 13 years ild and from punjab,India. My mom was granted a visa to move here five years ago,after my father passed away,but my sister and i just recently moved here three months ago,we were living in India with family. Not a day went by I would'nt dream about the reuniting with my mother again;

Finally,after five years,The United States granted my sister and me permission to come live with our mother again.The day started off wondorfull,as we boarded an airplane from Delhi,India to Holland. We landed in Holland and had to board another airplane

Four hours later, my sister and I finally boarded the plane that was to take us to the United states of america . While on the plane ,my sister and I were crying becaus we were so tired,hungry and thirsty.Finally ,we landed ans i was so happy. As soon as we got off airplane,we were told to get in the I. N.Sline,this is theline where newly arrived immigrants check in.This felt like the longest wait ever,even longer than the 13 hour ttrip from India. my sister and I began to cry with worry. Just then,nan officer taht worked at the airport came over and helped us find our mother.
when I saw my mother ,I ran over and hugged her. I cried hard it was the appieds day of my life. as soo as walked out of the airport,i noticed many differences between Inda and America,but i was mainly surprised by how beautiful america is. i amnow a 7th grade studient in Fresno,california .i am in Mrs. tracy's class and she is helping me learn how to read and wtite in English .I love mynex sholl and my nex country.

Hi, my name is Quynh, and I am 11 years old. When I was younger my parents decided that our family would have a better way of life if we moved to this country. My parents and I moved to the United States from Vietnam with my younger brother and sister in 2001.

My parents were both photographers in Vietnam and I was doing well in school, but they still felt opportunities were here for us that were not in my home country. Although we have always lived in the southern part of the United States we have not always lived in the Atlanta area.My first thoughts were this was a very crowded area. Now, however, we live in a part that I think is quiet and peaceful and I enjoy that. I also think it is colorful here. The trees, flowers, people, and the city itself all have lots of color. I have relatives here and they have helped us adjust to the way of life here. But I must admit that I miss my grandparents and friends who I left behind.

Life is better here for our family. There are many things we have here that we could have never enjoyed at home. For instance, I think school here is the best. Even though I won a contest in second grade and third grade as the top student in my school, school here is better. We do study hard, but I think I enjoy it more. We write and I can express myself. I learn art and music as well as reading and writing. I have a teacher who makes all the learning something I want to do. It seems she makes the hard work less hard.

I am glad we came here. There are new things every day for me. I do not know what the future holds for me but I welcome everyday to see what it brings.
Voila il faut savoir expliquere leur experie,ce d'immigration respectives surtout savoir les comparer!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voila ce que j'ai fait pour virpal:
Virpal a therteen years old boy was in India when his mother went to america to found a job five years ago because the father passed away. Later ,virpal and his sister flew to caifornia . It was the hapiest day of his life. he is at school in fresno and he love it!!!!!

voila il me manque a faire de même pour raconter lexperience de Quynh et les comparer si vous pouvez maidez pour ces deux chose ce serai sympa ! :)

merci d'avance

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 avr. 2011
Virpal was born in India.He is now a thirteen-year old boy.5 years ago when his father died, his mother moved to America to find work leaving behind Viral and his sister.
After 5 years they finally got permission to fly to America and join their mother.It was the happiest day of their life.
It is a new life for them in a very different country and a new school.
Virpal loves it.
Posté le 1 avr. 2011
Things were more difficult for Virpal's family.Their mother had to go and find work when her husband died and she couldn't have her children with her.It took 5 years before they were re-united.
Q's parents just wanted to have a better life, more opportunities.They all moved together.
Both V and Q enjoy their new life,in particular, their new school.They both like hard work.They are very pleased with their teachers.They are both thinking of a future full of promises.
Q misses his fiends and GPs. Apparently V doesn't miss anything or anyone.

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