Anglais : le comparatif

Publié le 9 mars 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 27 mars 2016 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

réécris les phrases suivantes en utilisant le comparatif entre parenthèses.

  1. Is London (big) Paris? (comparatif d'égalité).

  2. This story is (interesting) the story of frankenstein. (comparatif d'infériorité).

  3. She is (pretty) her elder sister. (comparatif de supériorité).

  4. This coffee is (good) the one Peter usually makes. (comparatif d'inégalité)

exercice 2 Traduis les phrases suivantes.

  1. Il se peut qu'il ait demandé de l'aide.

  2. Il a certainement reconnu (recognize) le monstre.

  3. Elle a dû avoir très peur.

  4. Ils se peut qu'il lui ait raconté l'histoire

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

merci si quelqu'un peut m'aider rapidement

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 9 mars 2010
Is London as big as Paris?
This story is less interesting than the story of Frankenstein.
She is prettier than her elder sister.
This coffee is as good as the one Peter usually makes.

Ex 2

He might have asked for help.
He certainly recognized the monster.
She must have been really scared.
He may have told him everything.
Posté le 9 mars 2010
Posté le 9 mars 2010

Je suis d'accord avec Johann21910 sauf pour la 4 de l'exo 1 : on demande un comparatif d'inégalité This coffee is NOT as good as the one Peter usually makes. Pas grand chose à changer.

Posté le 9 mars 2010
Is London as big as Paris?
This story is less interesting than the story of F.
She is prettier than her elder sister.
The coffee is not as good as the one Peter usually makes.

He might have asked some help
He certainly recognized the monster
She must have been afraid
He might have told him the story
Posté le 9 mars 2010
Exercice 1

1- Is London (AS BIG AS) Paris.
2- This story is (LESS INTERESTING THAN) the story of Frankenstein.
3- She is (PRETTIER THAN) her elder sister.
4- This coffee is (NOT AS GOOD AS) the one Peter usually makes

(désolé pour les majuscules c'etai pour te montrer ou ca changait.

Exercice 2

1- He may have asked for help
2- He must have recognized the monster.
3- She must have been very afraid/scared
4- He might have told him a story.

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