Anglais oral

Publié le 29 mai 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 juin 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Présentation oral d'un passge de film qu'on a bien aimer. expliquer le passge et dire pourquoi on l'aime

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Dans cet extrait, Olive hoover présente une chorégraphie qu'elle a inventé avec son grand père, devant un jury et un public. La musique en marche, elle commence à se déhancher d'une façon inhabituel pour une fille de 7 ans. Elle bouge ses fesses. Ses parents et son oncle sont surpris. Le sourire aux lèvres, Olive paraît heureuse et sûre d'elle. Ce qui est amusant, c'est quand elle arrive au devant de la scène, et qu'elle arrache son pantalon comme une stripteaseuse. L'organisatrice est choquée alors que miss Amérique est amusée. Le père et la mère ne savent plus ou se mettre. Des jeunes filles commencent à quitter la salle et à lui lancer des injures. Son oncle se lève et l'applaudi pour l'encourager. Pendant ce temps là, la fillette continue sa danse et s'éclate. On ne sait pas jusqu'où elle va aller, et on découvre la réaction du père richard, qui commence à s'inquiéter. S'en est trop pour l'organisatrice quand Olive lui lance sa chemise à la figure. C'est un scandale pour un concours aussi important. Elle a honte et se sent humiliée. Elle quitte le bureau du jury et part demander des explications au père. Toute la famille Hoover est debout et applaudi. La gamine ne se rends pas compte de la situation et tourne sur elle-même comme une folle. Puis elle imite un animal sauvage. Elle s'éclate ! Le public commence à partir.

n this excerpt, Olive Hoover has a choreography that she invented with his grandfather, before a jury and an audience. The music started, she began to wiggle in a way unusual for a girl of 7 years. She moves her buttocks. His parents and uncle are surprised. A smiling, Olive seems happy and confident. What is funny is when it comes to the forefront, and she snatches his pants as a stripper. The organizer is shocked when Miss America is amused. The father and mother do not know or get. Girls begin to leave the room and throw insults at him. His uncle got up and applauded to cheer. Meanwhile, the girl continued her dancing and having fun. We do not know how far it will go, and we discover the reaction of the father Richard, who begins to worry. It is too much for the organization when he launches his shirt Olive face. Such a shame for a competition as important. She feels ashamed and humiliated. She left the office of the jury and seek an explanation from the father. The whole family stood and applauded Hoover. The girl did not realize the situation and turns on itself like crazy. Then she imitated a wild animal. It explodes! The audience starts to leav

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 mai 2011
In this excerpt, Olive Hoover has a choreography
she invented with his grandfather, before a jury and
an audience. The music started, it begins to
wiggle in a way unusual for a girl of 7 years.
She moves her buttocks. His parents and uncle
surprised. A smiling, happy and seems Olive
confident. What is amusing is when she arrives
in the spotlight, and she snatches his pants
as a stripper. The organizer is shocked
so that Miss America is amused. The father and mother
know more or get. Girls begin to
leave the room and throw insults at him. His uncle
gets up and applauded to cheer. Meanwhile
there, the girl continued her dancing and having fun. Nobody knows
not how far it will go, and we discover the reaction of
father Richard, who begins to worry. It is too
Olive for the organization when he launched his shirt
FIG. Such a shame for a contest as
important. She feels ashamed and humiliated. She leaves
Office of the jury and seek an explanation from the
father. The whole family stood and applauded Hoover. The
kid does not realize the situation and turns
on itself like crazy. Then she imitates an animal
wild. It explodes! The audience starts to leave.

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