Anglais. Qui peut me corriger ce texte ?

Publié le 10 janv. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 12 janv. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Le sujet est: écrivez une lettre à une école pour sensibiliser les élèves & les profs à l'exploitation des enfants, la pauvreté des enfants ...
Merci de bien vouloir me corriger ce texte.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Dear classe 3ème,
did you know that 72 million of children are missing out on school ?
It's very incredible, isn't it ?
And 200 million must to work to survive.
I'll give you an exemple:
Eduardo, from Angola has his lessons outside.
Our charity is building a school for them but to build school and houses, we need money.
So, Eduardo lives in a forest with his family but they always run and try to escape from the war.
He doesn't like living like that because he always is afraid and hungry.
So, if you want and if you can, you can do a donnation to help Eduardo and others children who don't go to school or work illegaly.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 10 janv. 2010
ésseye de le corriger sur google va dans outils linguistiques
Posté le 10 janv. 2010
dear class third
did you know that 72 million of childrens are missing out on shcool ?
It's very incredible, isn't it ?
And 200 million must to work to survive.
I'll give you an example :
Eduardo, from Angola has his lesson outside.
With our charity we can building school and houses, but we need money.
So, Eduardo lives in a forest with his family but they always run and try t escape from the war.
He doesn't like living like this because he is always afraid and hungry.
So, if you want and if you can, you can do a donnation to help Eduardo and others childrens who don't go to school or work illegaly.

voila je pence t'avoir corrigé toutes tes fautes et j'ai aussi modifier un bout de phrase. bonne chance pour le reste ;)
Posté le 10 janv. 2010
j'espere t'avoir été assez utile bisoux
Posté le 10 janv. 2010
pour la première phrase j'ai oublié dear class of third
Posté le 11 janv. 2010
Merci beaucoup. Ca m'aide vraiment ! C'est très gentil . :D

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