Besoin de votre aide pour mon oral d'anglais SVP

Publié le 6 mars 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 31 mars 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour , le jeudi 31 mars on va passé un oral d'anglais
J'ai besoin de votre aide
Donnez moi des idées encore plus mieux des phrases SVP ; le thème My last holiday il faut parler pendant 1 minute mini et maxi 2 minutes
Et donne des idées pr l'interaction ( improvisé une conversation , parler ) :
- Amies qui se dispute pour une robe ou se dispute pour un mec
- Couple ( une personne veut quitter ou infidilité )

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pour le travail de my last hoilday j'ai d"jà fait ça :
I'm going to talk about my last vacation .
I went to Thailand but I didn't stay in Boissy ( ma ville ou j'habite )
I went there in June 2009
I went there with my family
I stayed in my family's house
I drank a lot water
It was sunny and It was very hot
I swam in the beach and swwimming pool very much
Ithink my last hoilday was verry good
Maybe , I am going to Thailand this year

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 6 mars 2011
Pour le sujet my last Holiday :
I was in Thailand with my family , I was there in June 2009
I have drunk a lot of water because it was hot .

Pour l'interaction prof élève :
Prof : did you do your Homeworks at home ?
eleve : No , my dog ate it .
prof : are you kiding me ?
eleve : No , I swear .!
prof : Fine , I trust you so , for tomorow you will do it ! with serious
Posté le 7 mars 2011
Posté le 29 mars 2011
I would like to talk about my last vacation in Thailand
My relatives live there and we have a family house.
We had nice weather. Always the sun out. It was very hot and humid. So I had to drink a lot of water because I was sweating a lot and I therefore was thirsty.
I swam a lot either in the sea or in a swimming pool.
I did enjoy my vacation but we might visit another country

interaction prof-élève

Prof: why didn't you come to school yesterday
Elève: I was sick. I was bedridden. I could not come.
Prof: Well, you'd better tell us the truth. I saw you in the park with one of your friends
Elève : I swear I was home. I had a big cold
Prof: Don't lie to me. I am going to write a note for your parents. You will have to come back with an apologize letter.

Interaction pour la robe
- I saw you. You were starring at my boyfriend.
- No I wasn't.
- Yes you were. You had a crush on him. I know that. You would like to separate us.
- No I am your friend. I will never do it. Beside this, your boyfriend is not my type
- He is not your type. He is very handsome and I know a lot of girls who would love to be his girfriend.
- I would not. He is not my type. I don't like fair haired boys. I like dark haired men. So forget it
- Okay, I am sorry I think I am too jealous and I am afraid to lose him
- Well, you'd better have a better self-esteem if not you will lose him for ever.

Parents :We went to a school meeting. We are very disappointed in your behavior
- Why? What did I do wrong?
- you have had very poor grades in maths and you keep disturbing the class.
- No I don't. I know that maths is not my cup of tea. But I am not the worse student.
- Well, 4/20 is not good. You'd better catch up. If not, you will be held back
- I will mom.
- I have called a tutor. He will come to help you in maths twice a week
- Ugh..
- well you do not have any choice. We might consider sending you to a boarding school
- Okay I will do all my best to change the situation

Couple (infidélité)
- Why are you crying?
- I know you have cheated on me
- No way, I love you. I can't do that
- You are lying. I have hired an investigator. And I have all the evidences
- Then show them to me
- Well, this is just a little fling
- a little fling. It has been lasting for a year
- I have feeliings for her. But I do love you
- No you don't. If you did love me, you would not cheat on me.
I am leaving the house.
- I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you.
- It's too late. Bye


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