comprehension en anglais

Publié le 22 nov. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 29 nov. 2013 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir

voila la question que je n'arrive pas a repondre, toutes mes autres questions je les ai faites il me manque que celle la.

1) write down five things in the text that you think will make life in 2025 easier and more enjoyable than it is now.

voici le texte dont il faut s'aider:
Your home computer will be connected permanently to the internet and you will never switch it off. As soon as you get up in the morning the computer will probably say Good morning and read out any messages you have received. If you speak to it , it will hear your voice and answer you. It won't speak to everyone, of course. It won't obey any instructions unless it recognises your voice.

When you go out, you will carry a small wallet which will replace everything you usually put in your pocket: keys, moneys, credit card, identification, portable phone, address book, camera, map... When you get on a bus, the bus computer will read your wallet and automatically take money from your bank account to pay the fare!
When you arrive at work (unless you work at home like most people in the year 2025), the building will recognise you and let you in . Whatever your job is, you will spend most of the day in a comfortable chair in front of a computer screen.
And if you don't feel like going shopping, you'll be able to order everything by computer before you go home.
Your children will spend less time at school: they will be able to learn a lot of things at home on the internet. Schools will have classrooms with a PC for every pupil and enormous electronic whiteboards. Teachers will be able to prepare lessons on the internet and include pictures and films that will be shown on the whiteboards.
In the evening, while the children are in the virtual reality room having adventures in the Amazon jungle or in Ancient Rome, you will be able to relax and play chess with a friend in Japan, paint an electronic picture or read the electronic newspaper until it's time to go to bed. And when you go to bed, you won't have to worry about burglars. The computer will protect you.

merci d'avance

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

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