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Publié le 1 nov. 2017 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 nov. 2017 dans 6A

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir, pouvez vous me corriger ce dm d anglais car je suis pas très forte en orthographe, je dois décrire cette image (photo jointe)

Il faut que je mette la nature du document, description avec vocabulaire approprié, faire au moins deux suppositions quant aux personnages, leurs attitudes, l expression de leurs visages et dire pourquoi j ai choisi cette image

Merci pour votre aide


Image concernant mon devoir de Anglais

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The document is a colour photo. It's a screenshot from a cartoon "The Simpsons"

In the center, we can see the Simpson's family, they are in a puddle, they wear beachwear perhaps it's the holidays. In the bottom right, the father sit on a buoy, he has a can of soda in the right hand and to the left, there are a can of soda in the water. In the middle, the mother holds in the arms her girl, she has a snorkel in the mouth, she has just taken out of the water. On the left, it can see a big rock and in the front the girl who's putting some sunblock on the body. And finally, the boy makes a big dive.

the father sems to fell confortable perhaps is because he loves to be here or it's because the buoy is confortable and we can see about the boy sems to have fun maybe because it's a holidays

I choose this picture bacause i really like the simpson and i love the familly and the holidays

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 nov. 2017


Posté le 1 nov. 2017

The document is a picture in color. It's a screenshot taked from the cartoon "The Simpsons"

On this picture, we can see the Simpson's family, they are in a puddle, they wear beachwear perhaps it's the holidays. In the bottom right, the father sit on a buoy, he has a can of soda in his right hand and in his left, there are some cans of soda in the water. In the middle, the mother holds in the arms her girl, she has a snorkel in the mouth, she has just taken out of the water. On the left, we can see a big rock and in front of it, a girl who's putting some sunblock on her body. And finally, the boy makes a big dive.

The father seems confortable perhaps is because he loves to be here or it's because the buoy is confortable and we can see about the boy seems to have fun maybe because they are in holidays

I choose this picture bacause I really like the simpson's cartoon and I love the familly and the holidays.


Et voilà, je pense avoir tout corrigé ;-)

Posté le 1 nov. 2017
merci et sinon tu en penses quoi de ma description
Posté le 1 nov. 2017
  • This document is a colour picture from the cartoon "The Simpsons"

    In the center/in the middle, we can see the Simpson's family. They are in a puddle. They wear beachwear perhaps it's the holidays (?). In the bottom right, the father is sitting on a buoy, he has a can of soda in the right hand and on the left, there is a can of soda in the water. In the middle, the mother holds in her arms her girl. She has a snorkel in the mouth and has just taken out of the water. On the left, one/we/I can see a big rock and in the front the girl which is putting some sunblock on her body. Finally, the boy dives.

    The father seems to feelcomfortable/happy because he enjoys to be here or it's because the buoy is comfortable. Moreover, we can see that the boy seems to have fun maybe because it's the holidays/the summer.

    I choose this picture because I really like The Simpsons and I like this family and the holidays.

Posté le 1 nov. 2017

merci et sinon tu penses que j ai bien expliquer et où c est bof bof

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