devoir 3 anglais

Publié le 1 déc. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 déc. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Production écrite
Tâche finale
bonjour je suis bloqué au devoir numéro 3 d'anglais
Il faudrait me corriger ce que j'ai fait
je vous remercie d'avance

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Your Majesty,

The People in the East End was getting worse. East End living in terrible
conditions and we feared the worst!. The crime rate was rising. Children are
exploited, and families living in slums. Children are dying slowly and deadly
diseases such as rubella and chickenpox is a sore in the East End. The
population of the East End has had enough of these terms and encourage you
to act before it gets worse. We have added security to ensure the safety of all
East End. The police need to patrol as necessary to prevent crime. Other teas,
please send more doctors East End East to treat the sick and to prevent any
outbreak of disease. We also ask you to build more decent houses for families in
need to restore all existing housing in the East End. Beyond these measures, we
want to enforce a law against child labor and exploitation. All these measures
are necessary and would stop the violence in the East End and prevent
disturbances that might threaten other parts of London. We trust you to find a
solution to all problems mentioned above and are available to discuss it.

Most respectfully,
your humble subjects.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 déc. 2011
Your Majesty,

The People in the East End was getting worse : they(pour éviter la répétition) are living in terrible conditions and we feared the worst!. The crime rate was rising. Children were(il faut rester au passé)exploited, and families was living in slums. Children are dying slowly and deadly
diseases such as rubella and chickenpox are a sore in the East End. The population has had enough of these terms and encourage you to act before it gets worse. We have added security to ensure the safety of all East End. The police need to patrol to prevent crime. Other teas(qu'est ce que ca veut dire ?),please send more doctors to the East End to treat the sick people and to prevent any outbreak of disease. We also ask you to build more decent houses for families in need. Beyond these measures, we want to encourage the creation of a law against child exploitation. All these measures are necessary and would stop the violence in the East End and prevent disturbances that might threaten other parts of London. We trust you to find a
solution to all problems mentioned above and are available to discuss about it.

Francehemnt c'est très bien, c'est juste que tu repète bcp "Est End", peut-etre que tu pourrais trouver un synonyme. j'espère avoir assez corrigé.
Posté le 1 déc. 2011
J'ai oublié de mettre la note : 16/20
Posté le 1 déc. 2011
Je vois que mon texte d'origine a été altéré et en plus avec des fautes.

Posté le 1 déc. 2011
je te remercie
Posté le 1 déc. 2011
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