Devoir 9 anglais Mission 3

Publié le 28 avr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 1 mai 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir



je bloque dans la mission 3 du devoir 9 du cned. 

Voici le texte et les questions : 


Mission 3 : Compréhension de l’écrit (16 points)

The life of Olaudah Equiano
Your teacher wants you to read the true story of Olaudah Equiano, so that you can fully
understand was the Triangle Trade was like.
Then answer the questions your teacher asked you to test your comprehension.
Olaudah Equiano was born in 1745 in the African country that is now Nigeria. The adults
worked in the fields during the day leaving the children in the village. Older children were
often given the task of acting as lookouts and if they saw any traders approaching the village
they would let out a loud cry: AIEEEEEEEYAH.
Olaudah and his sister were in the hut when they heard the cry. Looking out of the door,
Olaudah saw the traders hurrying into the village and knew that there was no time for them
to reach the safety of the trees. Both Olaudah and his sister were roughly seized and their
mouths were stopped with dirty cloths to stop them from crying out.
After a few days they were taken to a larger African settlement and here Olaudah and his
sister were separated and sold to different families. During the seven months that Olaudah
spent in slavery in Africa he was mostly treated kindly, in some cases as part of the family,
and was given fairly simple chores to do at home. In Africa slaves were respected and
their status as part of the family was valued. Olaudah was soon to discover that slavery in
America was very different.
The crossing
Eventually he was sold to another trader. Olaudah was very frightened and had to be
dragged nearer to the sea. He then noticed a very big ‘house’ on the moving land. The
people around the big house looked very strange. They had long hair, white skin and spoke a
strange language. Olaudah thought that they were devils.
Their transport to the Americas on board the slave ship - known as the Middle Passage
because it was the middle leg of the Triangular Trade route used by the European merchants
– was terrible.
The ship contained hundreds of enslaved people, like Olaudah, tightly packed in horrific
conditions for the journey to their new “home.”
Because of his youth Olaudah was not chained like the men and women . And he was so ill
from the smell and the conditions in the hold that he was allowed to sit on deck during the
day to breathe fresh air.
The indies
Eventually the ship reached the West Indies and although many slaves had died on the
crossing many remained alive. Merchants and plantation owners came aboard the ship to
look at the slaves and Olaudah was taken to a big house and sold to a sea Captain who
allowed the sailors on board the ship to teach him to read and to write. Although he was
very well treated by the merchant, Olaudah longed to be free and to return to his homeland.
He began buying fruit before sailing and selling it on to the sailors for a small profit.
Eventually he saved enough to buy his freedom.
As a free man, he settled in England. He met Granville Sharp and the other members of the
Society for the Abolition of Slavery. He made public speeches, giving a first-hand account
of the treatment of slaves during capture, sea passage and slavery. Slavery was abolished in
Britain in 1807 and throughout the Empire in 1833. Olaudah eventually traveled back to
Nigeria to find his homeland, but there was no trace of his village or his family.
Adapted from the Interesting Narrative and other writings. 


Voici les Questions : 


1- What was this route known as? (dessin ci-dessus): .........................................................
2- What was this part of the journey called? (trajet en pointillé) .........................................
Fill in the timeline with the 6 most important events in Olaudah’s life.
(to be continued….)
4- Write down 2 important events and dates as regards slavery:



5- Focus on the paragraph called ‘The Crossing’:
What is this ‘very big house on the moving land’ Olaudah is talking of?
Is it mentioned elsewhere in the text? If yes, quote the sentences.
6- ‘Older children were often given the task of acting as lookouts’:
a) Is this form active or passive? ........................................................................................
b) Turn the sentence into the other form or voice.
c) Find 8 similar forms in the text and write them down:
- ....................................................................................................................................
- ....................................................................................................................................
- ....................................................................................................................................
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7- Find words or expressions in the text that describe how the slaves were treated
(5 at least).
8- Did Olaudah remain a slave all his life? r yes r no
9- Did Olaudah see Nigeria again before he died? r yes r no
10- Did he see his family again? r yes r n

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Please HELP ME je suis coincée, je n'ai pas compris et c'est trop dur ! c'est hyper urgent svp aidez moi !! 

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 28 avr. 2015

C'est vrai que face à un texte pareil, on a tendance à se perdre. Pour éviter cela, je te conseil de souligner les mots que tu comprends dans le texte d'une couleurs, et ceux que tu ne comprends pas d'une autre. Quand tu aura fini, cherche dans un dictionnaire anglais-français, la définition et la traduction des mots que tu n'a pas compris. Cette étape te facilitera déjà un peu mieux la compréhension du texte. ;)

Posté le 28 avr. 2015

Tu sais tu peux traduire texte sur google traduction, mais il n'est pas si compliquer, juste un peu long. et tu peux meme traduire les questions.

Posté le 30 avr. 2015

1- What was this route known as? The Triangle Trade route
2- What was this part of the journey called? The Middle Passage
Fill in the timeline with the 6 most important events in Olaudah’s life.
- 1745 Olaudah was born

- he was captured and sold

-he went to the Americas on board a slave ship

-arrived in the west Indies

-bought his freedom

-settled in England

-traveled bach to Nigeria after 1833
4- Write down 2 important events and dates as regards slavery

- Slavery was abolished in Britain in 1807

- It was abolished throughout the empire in 1833

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