devoir a noter

Publié le 10 sept. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 17 sept. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

what do you think about slavery (que pensez vous de l'esclavage)en anglais
parler de l'esclavage en anglais

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

the slavery is hard and bad because hall men hasn't the right to be buying,to be selling and whipping .all the men are equal .

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 10 sept. 2011
Bonjour seynabouful! :)

Que veux-tu en fait ? Que l'on t'aide à la rédaction car tu n'as pas beaucoup d'idées ? ou que l'on corrige ton texte ?

Voici la correction déjà :

The slavery is hard and bad because nobody* should be** buying by someone, selling to other people and whipping. All the men should be equal.

* : Attention! hall (couloir) ≠ all (tous)

** : Should est un modal comme "can", "must", "have to" et il s'emploie fréquemment. Dans cette phrase il a le sens de "devrait" = parce que personne NE DEVRAIT être acheté par quelqu'un..

Voilà. :)
Posté le 10 sept. 2011
Et pour la dernière phrase : "All the men should be equal", tu peux aussi dire "All the men have to be equal" comme c'est une loi. Je pense que c'est mieux. ;)

"have to" a le même sens que "must" (obligation) ;)
Posté le 10 sept. 2011
déjà c'est slavery et pas the slavery car c'est général

voilà un exemple :

In my opinion, slavery is a bad thing. Men should not exploit other men. It exists many forms of slavery such as sexual slavery, labor slavery... humans are all equal. In some countries like India, children are sold against a few roupies because their families cannot afford buying them food. Those children do not go to school and are forced to work. This is called the child labour.
In the 19th Century, in Africa, white people used to buy black children, men and women for slavery. They were sent to America to work in cottonfields and in harsh conditions. Many of them were daily whipped and died from exhaustion. Some were also lynched or hung if they were charged with stealing or doing something wrong. I am glad that slavery was abolished in France in 1848. Slavery is still a main issue in some countries and we still have to fight against it.

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