Devoir en anglais à traduire

Publié le 17 mars 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 19 mars 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Pouvez-vous me corriger ce texte, m'aider à traduire le texte et m'indiquer les fautes.

Le texte:

Ce film est très émouvant et très triste car il y a eu beaucoup de morts. Hommes, femmes et enfants ont été gravement blessés par cette terrible catastrophe et certains en sont morts.
J'ai été très impressionée quand j'ai vu que des personnes qui étaient dand le world trade center ou travaillaient dans cette tour sautaient du haut des derniers étages.
Ce film m'a beaucoup émue et j'ai été particulièrement émue par les visages des gens terrifiés de peur d'avoir perdu l'un de leurs proches, mais contente à l'idée que des gens ont retrouvés leurs familles saines et sauves.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Traduction :

This film is very moving and very sad because there were many deaths. Men, women and children were seriously injured by this terrible disaster, and some have died.
I was very impressed when I saw that people were Dand the world trade center or working in the tower jumping down from the top floors.
This film moved me greatly and I was particularly moved by the faces of terrified people for fear of losing one of their relatives, but simply the idea that people have found their families unharmed.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 mars 2010

dans l'ensemble pas mal.

1er paragraphe ok
2ème paragraphe:
(...) that people who were IN the World Trade Center or working in the tower were jumping from the top floors.
This fime touched me greatly (...) but I was happy that people got back to their families unharmed.

Posté le 17 mars 2010
This movie is very moving and very sad because there were many deaths. Men, women and children were seriously injured by this terrible disaster and some people died from it.
I was very impressionée when I saw that persons who were dand the world trade center or worked in this tower jumped down from the last floors.
This movie moved a lot me and I was particularly moved by the faces of people terrified for fear of having lost one of their close relations, but satisfy in the idea that people found their safe families.
Posté le 17 mars 2010
This movie is very moving and very sad because there were many deaths. Men, women and children were seriously injured by this terrible disaster and some people died from it.
I was very impressionée when I saw that persons who were dand the world trade center or worked in this tower jumped down from the last floors.
This movie moved a lot me and I was particularly moved by the faces of people terrified for fear of having lost one of their close relations, but satisfy in the idea that people found their safe families.
normalement c'est sa la traduction du texte
Posté le 18 mars 2010
=> Crimoloo, tu as traduit le texte via un traducteur de texte et ça se voit: il reste des mots français (impréssionée!) et des mots non reconnus (dand au lieu de dans).

Un conseil: ne pense pas que ce genre de traducteur traduit bien, c'est faux! Ils font d'énormes erreurs de grammaire et de syntaxe, de plus les profs repèrent ces traductions à des kilomètres...
Posté le 18 mars 2010
Faites attention aux traducteurs... pour un mot d'accord mais pour un texte non.
La correction de cenedra me semble tout à fait correcte.

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