devoir urgent

Publié le 7 nov. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 9 nov. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

The house on the hill in the old forest. I went trick-or-treating with my best friends___ ____,_____ __, and____ ___. Our pillowcases were full of candy, and it was getting late, so my friends wanted to go home. I wanted a few more chocolate bars so I turned to my friends and said, “Let’s knock on a few more doors and then head for home.” They were worried because they thought it was already too late. “Let’s go home now,” they said to me. I told them not to worry because we could take a shortcut through the old forest. So after a few more houses, I took my friends to the path that went through the forest. We walked about 20 minutes, and then, suddenly, I felt very strange. I couldn’t remember the way! It was dark and foggy. We were lost. And to make matters worse, it started to rain. And then, it started to pour. Lightning lit up the sky and thunder rang in our ears. We wandered around in the rain for over two hours. We were very wet and very cold. And then, at about midnight, I saw an old abandoned house on a hill. “I think we’ll have to spend the night in that old house and wait till morning,” I said. My friends didn’t think it was a good idea, but they were cold and wet, so they agreed. We walked up the old wooden steps to the front door. The door creaked open and we wennt inside, sat down, and started to eat a chocolate bar, when ......

Reading Comprehension:
What is happening at the beginning of the

Why did the writer want to go to a few
more houses?

Why didn’t the writer worry because it was
getting late?
What happened in the forest?

What was the weather like in the forest?

Did the writer’s friend think it was a good idea to stay in

Why did the friends agree to stay at the house?

What did they do as soon as they went into the house?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 nov. 2010
donc au début c'est halloween.ils vont de maison en maison chercher des bonbons(q1).L'écrivain veut quelques barres de chocolat en plus, c'est pour ça qu'ils continuent(q2)il ne s'inquiète pas parce qu'il connait un raccourci dans la foret(q3).mais ils se perdent.Q4:il ya du brouillard et il fait noir.Q5=non,ses amis ne trouvent pas que c'est une bonne idée de rester dans la vieille maison.Q6= parce qu' ils sont mouillés et ils ont froid.Q7=ils montent l'escalier en bois du perron.
Posté le 7 nov. 2010
Bonjour Maria06,

Tu devrais nous expliquer ce dont tu veut que l'on t'aide avec.
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