Écrire la suite du poème de Edith

Publié le 9 févr. 2022 il y a 2A par oirem9496 - Fin › 12 févr. 2022 dans 2A

Sujet du devoir


pouvez-m'aider à écrire la suite de ce poème svp

Isn't it awful? 

Isn't it awful not to be able to

    eat in a public place

Without being arrested or snarled at right in your face?

   Isn't it awful not to be able to go to a library and get an interesting book


Without being put out and given -hateful look?




Isn't it awful not to be able to get your schooling where you please? Just because of our race, color and creed we cannot feel at ease..


Edith Moore, age 15(1964), Mississippi Extracted from the book Freedom School Poetry, 1965

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Écrire la suite du poème avec ces exemple: 

Isn't it awful not to be able to...

- just because...

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