Ecrit d'anglais

Publié le 29 mai 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 juin 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour je dois ecrire un texte sur le futur de qqn et ses ambitions et un rêve fou ou irrealiste, il y des points pour l'originaté dites moi ce que vous pensez de mon texte et svp corrigez le

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Tania does not want to have only one job but at least two or three ones.
She will be a language teacher with original methods because she loves being creative. For example, she would on the stage with her pupils in order to improve their French and their memory. She would like to work either in New-York or in London but not on her planet.
Otherwise she would become a famous rider because she likes horses and she has been horse-riding twice a week since she was twelve. She has won several competitions with her horse, which became her own one after five years of competition together. That is why she wants to be a rider, to always be able to be horse-riding every day.
Nonetheless it isn’t her dream job, which one about she dreams since she was born:
She wants to be an artist in a circus but her own circus. She would have lots of animals and do all the shows alone.
Her unrealistic dream is … that she wants to create another planet just for her and me, only with animals and nature and to preserve it from the humans. And on this planet, she would like that there is a party which would be called Sweetland because everything would be made with sweets, chocolate and son on…

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 juin 2011
Tania does not want to have only one job but at least two or three ones.
She wants to become a language teacher with original methods because she loves being creative. For example, she would be on the stage with her pupils in order to improve their French and their memory. She would like to work either in New-York or in London but not on her planet.
Otherwise she would become a famous rider because she likes horses and she has been horse-riding twice a week since she was twelve. She has won several competitions with her horse, which became her own one after five years of competition together. That is why she wants to be a rider, to always be able to be horse-riding every day.
Nevertheless, it will never be her dream job.
She wants to be an artist in a circus but her own circus. She would have lots of animals and do all the shows alone.
Her unrealistic dream is … that she wants to create another planet just for her and me, only with animals and nature and to preserve it from humans. And on this planet, she would like have a party organized which would be called Sweetland because everything would be made with sweets, chocolate and so on…

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