Exercice d'anglais Besoins de correction

Publié le 16 déc. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 déc. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir je dois lire ce texte est repondre au questions:

The Wampanoag tribe is well known as the tribe that shared a harvest
celebration with the Pilgrims from the Mayflower ship. These settlers arrived in
Plymouth and formed a small community in the winter of 1620, following a
difficult voyage at sea. They weren’t able to plant any food for themselves, and
were lost in the new world they had settled in. Some members of the
Wampanoag spent time helping the settlers learn how to live in their new home.
The two groups of people shared a friendly and cooperative relationship for over
ten years, as more English settlers began moving to Plymouth and settling
throughout the area.
As more and more English Puritan colonists arrived throughout the mid-1600s,
they tried to convert the Native Americans to their faith. They moved groups of
Native Americans from their tribes to “Praying Indian” villages and forbade
inhabitants of these villages to perform any ceremony from their culture. The
relationship between the colonists and the Native Americans wishing to continue
their traditional way of life became less friendly as more and more English
colonists appeared.
King Phillip traveled to visit with other tribal leaders and gained support for going
to war with the English colonies. From 1675-1676, King Phillip’s War raged
between the English colonies and local Native American tribes. Some
Wampanoag sub-tribes, including the Wampanoag of Gay Head, did not want to
participate in the war and stayed neutral. By the end of the war, there were only
400 Wampanoag.
There are about three thousand Wampanoag people alive today, most of whom
reside in Massachusetts or on Martha’s Vineyard. The last of the Wampanoag
from Nantucket Island died in 1855 following another outbreak of disease through
that area
Question:1. How could a Wampanoag become sachem?
a. By being a strong warrior
b. By having a large enough family
c. By inheriting it from a parent
d. By killing the previous sachem
2. How many Wampanoag people were left after the war with the colonists?
a. 12,000
b. 5,000
c. 1,000
d. 400
3. The Wampanoag are well known for…
a. Being great sailors
b. Sharing the “first Thanksgiving” with the Pilgrims
c. Discovering corn
d. Building the pyramids
4. What caused the largest number of lives lost for the Wampanoag?
a. Disease
b. King Phillip’s war
c. Freezing temperatures
d. Starvation
5. For at least how long have the Wampanoag’s ancestors lived on the island
of Martha’s Vineyard?
a. 1, 000 years
b. 5,000 years
c. 10,000 years
d. 100,000 years
6. Why do you think King Phillip wanted to go to war with the English

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1 C
2 D
3 B
4 A
5 C
6:The Englishmen were disrupting the natives, hunting, faming and general way of life. They encroached on ancestral land and caused the death of many an Indian. Oh, and he was convinced, with reason, that the Plimouth settlers' killed his older brother.

est ce Juste?

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 déc. 2011
6 faRming

King Phillip was convinced

the PlYmouth settlers killed

tout ça ma semble correct
Posté le 17 déc. 2011
Merci :)
Posté le 17 déc. 2011
Pretty good, try to make sentences instead of letters...
Posté le 18 déc. 2011
Pour les réponses que tu as mises, elle sont toutes justes.
Pour la dernière
The Englishmen were disrupting the natives' hunting, farming and general way of life. They encroached on ancestral land and caused the death of many Indians. He was also convinced that his brother was killed by the Plymouth settlers.

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