Oral d'Anglais

Publié le 2 juin 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 juin 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Alors voilà, mardi prochain, je passe un oral d'anglais et je voudrais savoir si mon travail comporte des erreurs !

Merci à tous !

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

In general, in my spare time, I enjoy reading actually I like reading to soothe my brain ans my nerves or quite simply to learn.
Music is important element of my life because it helps me "escape in another world".
I love watch TV to get entrainained also I like to work in computing which I would like to make it my future job.
I appreciate go out with my friends and chatter to feel my lighter.
As well, I like to remain at home without anything to do, become completely stay-at-home, to insert me in the sofa all while emptying me, by giving up in my imagination...

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 2 juin 2010
Bonjour, je trouves que ton travail est super je n'ai pas vu d'erreurs
Posté le 2 juin 2010
Mercii Perruches32 !!
Posté le 2 juin 2010

désolée, quelques petites fautes
je corrige en majuscules

In general, in my spare time, I enjoy reading actually I like reading to soothe my brain and my nerves or quite simply to learn.
Music is AN important element of my life because it helps me TO "escape in another world".
I love watchING TV to get ENTERTAINED also I like to work ON computing which I would like to make it my future job.
I appreciate goING out with my friends and chattING to [feel my lighter.] = ressentir ton briquet?
As well, I like to STAY at home with NOthing to do, TO become completely (stay-at-home)?, to SETTLE in the sofa (all while emptying me)?, by giving in my imagination...

entre parenthèse: je n'ai pas compris ce que tu voulais dire
entre crochet: je pense que tu ne voulais pas dire ça

Posté le 2 juin 2010
Merci beaucoup pour ta réponse !!!!
Posté le 2 juin 2010
Quelques petites fautes dans ton texte ou manque de ponctuation.
Je te corrige tout cela.

In general, in my spare time, I enjoy reading. Actually, I like reading to soothe my brain and my nerves or simply to learn.
Music is also an important element of my life because it helps me to "escape in another world".
I love watching TV to get entertain myself, working on computing because I'd like to make it my future job.
I appreciate hanging out (plus correct) with my friends and chatting to feel (Je n'ai pas compris -> my lighter ?).
As well, I like to stay at home with nothing to do, settle in the sofa while giving up to my imagination.

Voila ;)
Bonne soirée.
Posté le 2 juin 2010
Wahaouuu mercii beaucoup !

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