Pour ceux qui sont au CNED aidez moi s'il vous plait c'est un devoir d'anglais 2!!

Publié le 22 nov. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 nov. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

C'est le devoir2 je n'y arrive pas!! S'il vous plait aidez moi!!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Rien! J'y comprends rien!

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 22 nov. 2010

Salut moi aussi je suis au CNED
Mistake#1: The young guide said that it took 10 000 workers to build the Taj Mahal , but the truth is that it was it took 22 000 workers and 1 000 elephants to build it!
Mistake#2: The young guide said that the Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Lurama , but the truth is that it was built by Shah Jahan .
Mistake#3: The young guide said that the Shah Jahan died in 1587 and the he said that he died in 1687 , but the truth is that she died in 1666.
Mistake#4: The young guide said that Mum Taj Mahal died in an accident , but the truth is that she died doing or in child birth.
Mistake#5: The young guide said that Taj Mahal was completed in 1648 , but the truth is that it was completed in 1653.
Mistake#6: The young guide said that it took 10 years to build the Taj Mahal , but the truth is that it took 22 years built it!
Mistake#7: The young guide said that Mum Taj Mahal's death wish was that Shah Jahan would not get married again to an other woman, but the truth is that she wanted him to build her a marvelous tomb in her memory .
Mistake#8: The young guide said "mum" to the lady visiting , but the truth is that she isn't her mum.
Mistake#9: The young guide said that Shah Jahan had a second name , but the truth is that Emperor Lurama is not his second name
Posté le 22 nov. 2010
Bonjour Rach7el,

Moi je suis au CNED =) Je sais de quoi tu parle... Devoir 2 d'Anglais = Taj Mahal (Mistakes) Malheureusement, je ne peut pas te donner mon adresse MSN, ni mon adresse email... Mais je PEUT te donner les réponses =) Va sur ce lien et tu auras les photos du devoir 2 d'Anglais... C'est un brouillon donc ce n'est pas très très bien écrit mais bon c'est toujours mieux que rien xD

Page 1: http://chickenm.skyrock.com/photo.html?id_article=2952789067&id_article_image=4471565

Page 2: http://chickenm.skyrock.com/photo.html?id_article=2952789633&id_article_image=4471651

Page 3: http://chickenm.skyrock.com/photo.html?id_article=2952790347&id_article_image=4471691

Page 4: http://chickenm.skyrock.com/photo.html?id_article=2952791033&id_article_image=4471765


Benjamin CNED 3ème
Posté le 22 nov. 2010
Merci beaucoup! Ce n'est pas grave car de toute façon je n'ai pas msn :/ encore merciet à bientôt!

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