present perfect et traduction

Publié le 20 mai 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 22 mai 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous, voilà le sujet:

le premier exrcice est de traduire.
le second est de mettre les verbes aux present perfect.

merci d'avance.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Exercice 1

1.J'étudie le latin. J'étudie le latin depuis trois ans.
I learn latin. I have been learning for three years.

2.Il travaille pour IBM. Il y travaille depuis 2000.
He works for IBM. He has been working since 2000.

3.Il est pompier. Il lutte contre le feu depuis quinze ans.
He is firefighter. He fights against fire for fiveten years.

4.Il campe. Il campe depuis quinze jours.
He camps. He has been camping for fiveten days.

5.Il marche depuis cinq heures du matin. cela fait trois heures qu'il marche.
He has been walking for five a.m. it's been three hours he walks.

exercice 2

How long have you been learning English for?

Since when have you been studying in your present school?

How long has been living here?

How long has been collecting postcards?

Since when Have you been doing this exercise?

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 20 mai 2010
Exo 1
3.He is firefighter. He has been fighting against fire for fiveten years.

Exo 2
2.When have you been studying in your present school ?
5.When have you been doing this exercice ?

Voila, je suis pas sure a 100% mais je travaille sa en ce moment et je crois que c sa.
Bon courage.
Posté le 20 mai 2010
Posté le 21 mai 2010

1- ok
2- ok
3- He is a firefighter. He has been fighting against fire for fifteen years (fiveten!!!! xO )
4- He is camping. (..) for fifteen days.
5- He has been walking since 3am. It has been 3 hours he walked

How long have you been learning English?
Since when have you been studying at your present school?
How long has he been living here?
How long has he been collecting postcards?
Since when have you been doing this exercise?

attention au sujet de la question!
Posté le 21 mai 2010
attention à bien tout traduire
dans la phrase 1 ex1 tu as oublié de traduire le 2e "latin".
dans la phrase 2, tu n'as pas traduit le "y" = chez ibm.
on met l'article a devant les noms de métiers.
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