Résumé en Anglais de Mrs Doubtfire

Publié le 1 nov. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 nov. 2013 dans 10A
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Sujet du devoir

Je dois faire un résumé du début du film Msr Doubtfire que nous avons regardé en classe. Pourriez-vous me dire si vous voyez des fautes que je pourrais corriger SVP. Merci d'avance et bonne fin de vacances à tous

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

this movie talk about the Hilliard family. Daniel, the father, is a humorist and he can change his voice to infinity. He loves his children. Miranda, the mother, is serious and she spends a lot of time at work. The children are Nathalie the younger, christopher and Lydia the older.

In the begining Daniel was fired. he organized a birthday party for her son. when miranda happened the house was messy. She want divorced. she got custody of the children and kept the house. Daniel could see his children on saturdays. He wanted to see them more often but Miranda doesn't want. He must find a job and a home before 3 months. Miranda was looking for a nanny. Daniel changed the telephone number on the ad. The he was hired by Miranda under the name Mrs Doubtfire. his brother made a suit for him. Miranda was happy to Mrs Doubtfire but Lydia was suspicious.

7 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 nov. 2013
Correction :

This movie IS about (un film ne parle pas) the Hilliard family. Daniel, the father, is a humorist and he can change his voice to infinity. He loves his children. Miranda, the mother, is serious and she spends a lot of time at work. The children are Nathalie, the youngeST, christopher and Lydia, the ELDEST.

-> Lorsqu'il y a comparaison entre 2 : youngER ; plus de 2 : youngEST
-> Différence entre oldest et eldest : eldest s'emploie au sein d'une famille (ici, des frères et soeurs), si tu comparais par exemple deux voisins, tu utiliserais "older/oldest")

In the beginNing, Daniel IS fired. he organizeS a birthday party for HIS (her=féminin) son. When miranda ARRIVES (happen = pour un évènement) the house IS messy. She wantS to divorce. She gETS custody of the children and keeps the house. Daniel CAN see his children on Saturdays (majuscule aux jours). He wantS to see them more often but Miranda doesn't want TO. He must find a job and a HOUSE (home = foyer, ici c'est juste un endroit où vivre) before 3 months. Miranda IS looking for a nanny. Daniel changeS the telephone number on the aDD. TheN he IS hired by Miranda under the name OF Mrs Doubtfire. His brother maKES a suit for him. Miranda IS happy to have Mrs Doubtfire but Lydia IS suspicious.

Bon devoir, j'ai juste mis ton texte au présent puisque tu racontes un film (tu le dirais au présent en Français aussi, non ? :) )

J'aimerais avoir le résultat de ton devoir si possible ^^ Merci et bon courage :)
Posté le 1 nov. 2013
A désolé j'ai en effet oublié de préciser que notre professeur nous a demandé de raconter l'histoire au prétérit.Donc au final ça donne ça:
This movie is about the Hilliard family. Daniel, the father, is a humorist and he can change his voice to infinity. He loves his children. Miranda, the mother, is serious and she spends a lot of time at work. The children are Nathalie the youngest, christopher and Lydia the eldest.

In the beginning Daniel was fired. he organized a birthday party for hir son. when miranda arrived the house was messy. She want divorced. she got custody of the children and kept the house. Daniel could see his children on Saturdays. He wanted to see them more often but Miranda doesn't want to. He must find a job and a house before 3 months. Miranda was looking for a nanny. Daniel changed the telephone number on the add. Then he was hired by Miranda under the name Mrs Doubtfire. his brother made a suit for him. Miranda was happy to have Mrs Doubtfire but Lydia was suspicious.
Posté le 1 nov. 2013
Ah d'accord !
Dans ce cas là, c'est bon.

Par contre, j'ai oublié : je dirais plutôt "at the beginning" mais "in" est aussi acceptable.

"She want divorced" : "divorce" n'est pas un verbe ici, c'est un nom (car COD du verbe "want"), donc : she wanted to divorce ou she wanted a divorce :)

Tu as oublié de remettre au passé : Miranda doesn't want to -> did not want to

-> Evite les formes contractées lorsque tu rédiges (sauf si c'est un dialogue)

"He must find a job" : au prétérit, ça donne "he had to find a job"

Voilà :)
Posté le 1 nov. 2013
Merci beaucoup de votre aide :) j'ai encore quellques petites questions. J'aimerais dire que lorsque Mrs Doubtfire a pris le bus le chauffeur est tombé amoureux d'elle j'ai fais ceci:
When Mrs Doubtfire took the bus, the driver (je ne sais pas si on dois dire fell/fall/autre) in love (her)
et pour conclure notre professeur nous a demandé de parler du décore des musiques et je voudrais dire que les musiques changent selon les scènes et sont toujours en accords (example if the character was happy the music will be happy)
"les musiques changent selon les scènes et sont toujours en accords " je ne sais pas comment le dire enfin merci déjà pour le reste et désolé de tant vous importuner :)
Posté le 3 nov. 2013
When Mrs Doubtfire took the bus, the driver FELL in love WITH her.

Je dirais :
The musics/songs are quite different and are well matched with the scenes. For instance, when the characters feel happy, then the music will be in harmony with them.

Voilà, j'en suis pas tout à fait sûre mais ça m'a l'air pas mal ^^
Posté le 3 nov. 2013
Plutôt "when the characters feel happy, then the music is in harmony with them" :)
Posté le 3 nov. 2013
Merci Beaucoup :)

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