Traduction de quelques phrases

Publié le 22 mars 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 mars 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, j'ai des phrases à traduire en Anglais pouvez-vous me les corriger S.V.P ?

1/ Il y a beaucoup d'actions.
2/ J'imaginais que j'étais avec les personnes qui étaient dans ce film.
3/ J'ai vraiment aimé ce film.
4/ Ce jour doit avoir semblé très long.
5/ Si j'avais été dans le world trade center, j'aurais sauté par la fenêtre.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1/ There are many actions.
2/ I imagined I was with people who were in this movie.
3/ I really liked this movie
4/ This day must have seemed very long.
5/ If I had been in the World Trade Center, I jumped out the window.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 22 mars 2010

c'est presque bon, bravo!

1- There is a lot of action (quantifieur: action est indénombrable + phrase affirmative donc "a lot of")
2- I imagined I was with the persons who were in this movie.
3- ok
4- ok
5- If I had been in the WTC, I would have jumped out of the window. (concordance des temps)

Posté le 23 mars 2010
Hello there!
The film/movie is packed with action.
I imagined that I was with the protagonists/characters/people in the movie/film.
I really liked this film/movie.
That day must have felt as if it would last forever.
Had I been inside the World Trade Center (on that day), I would have jumped out of the window.
Good night!
Posté le 24 mars 2010
tu a corriger a ce que je trouve mais tient comme meme
les correction
The film/movie is packed with action.
I imagined that I was with the protagonists/characters/people in the movie/film.
I really liked this film/movie.
That day must have felt as if it would last forever.
Had I been inside the World Trade Center (on that day), I would have jumped out of the window.

voila (cé de iamjo)

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