Publié le 5 mars 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 mars 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir


Mon père s'appelle Fazli il a 40 ans il travail dans une entreprise.
Ma mère s'appelle Dondu elle a 39 ans elle ne travail pas.
Mon plus grand frère s'appelle Bunyamin il a 19 ans il travail dans une entreprise
Mon petit frère s'appelle Mucahit il a 5 ans il est en maternelle.
Je n'aime pas jouer avec mes frère car on a pas les memes amis et on a pas le meme age.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

11 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 mars 2010
My father's name is Fazli,he is fourty years old,he is working in a company. My mother's name is Dondu,she is thirty nine years old,and she doesn't work. My elder brother Bunyamin is nineteen and he works in a company. My little brother's name si mucahit and he is in the primary school. I don't like playing with my brothers since We don't have the same friends neither the same age.
Posté le 5 mars 2010
Posté le 5 mars 2010
Moi je rouve comme Cyberpro que c'est simple comme devoir.Même moi je pourrais le faire enfin bon courrage mais je pense que skiteu t'a bien aidé non?
Posté le 6 mars 2010

My father called Fazli, he is fourty years and he works in an entreprise.

My mother called Dondu, she's thirty nine years and she don't work.

My more brother Bunyamin he's 19 years and he works in an entreprise.

Je te laissse faire la suite.

Bonne Journée,
Posté le 6 mars 2010

My father called Fazli, he is fourty years and he works in an entreprise.

My mother called Dondu, she's thirty nine years and she don't work.

My more brother Bunyamin he's 19 years and he works in an entreprise.

Je te laissse faire la suite.

Bonne Journée,
Posté le 6 mars 2010
My father name is Fazli,he is fourty years old,he works in a company. My mother's name is Dondu,she is thirty nine years old,she doesn't work. My older brother Bunyamin is nineteen,he works in a company. My little brother name is mucahit and he is in the primary school. I don't like to plau with my brothers because We don't have the same friends and the same age.
Posté le 7 mars 2010
We've Killed the planet earth!
"For a century, humanity has drained all the planet's resources(coil,oil...).BIg countries such as America,Europe,China have polluted the earth with carbon dioxide and other polluting gas.
We have consumed resources.we have built polluting nuclear eggplants.we have bought polluting cars.we have destroyed forests and the consequence is we have forced animal species to emigrate.animals such as monkeys,birds or frogs have been forced to move.Many of them have simply died because of the deforestation.
Posté le 7 mars 2010
we are slowly killing the planet earth. No politican seems to care.
Soon, the planet will be out of resources.soon forest will be completely destroyed. soon,humanity will cut the last tree on the Amazonian forest and will kill the animals living there.If we don't react now,the planet will soon die because because of us...The weather will warm Icebergs will melt.The water in the oceans will grow higher.Cyclones and hurricanes will become frequent.Disasters will happen...And the planet's resources won't exist anymore.

Unfortunately,we probably won't be able to stop ourselves...This is creepy..."
Posté le 7 mars 2010

My father s 'appelle Fazli he is 40 years old it job in a firm.
My mother s 'appelle Dondu she is 39 years old it not job not.
My most elder brother s 'appelle Bunyamin he is 19 years old it job in a firm
My small brother s 'appelle Mucahit he has 5 years he is in nursery school.
I n 'aime not to play with my brother because they have the friendly memes not and they have the too age not
Posté le 8 mars 2010
My father called it Fazli 40 years there working in a company.
My mother called it dondu 39 years it does not work.
My older brother called Bunyamin he is 19 years work in an enterprise
My little brother called Mucahit 5 years he is in kindergarten.
I do not play with my brother because it was not the same friends and it was not the same age.
Posté le 9 mars 2010
My Father name is Fazli, he have 40 years old and it works in a company.My mother is called Dondu she is 39 years old, she does not work.My most older brother name is Bunyamin he have 19 years old and he work in a company. My little brother name is Mucahit he is 5 years old and he(It) is in nursery school. I'm don't like to play with my brothers because we have not the same friends and we are not same age old

Bon voila je t'ai aider kome j sui anglaise donc voila jespère ke taura une bonne note je l'ai fait moi mm

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