Me présenter pour un casting : "Survivor" - Anglais

Publié le 25 avr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 22 oct. 2016 dans 7A
17.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Je dois faire une vidéo dans laquelle je devrais me présenter en anglais, décrire mes goûts, mes qualités et mes défauts, pourquoi je veux participer à Survivor (version anglaise de Koh Lanta). Je dois essayer de faire des phrases complexes avec des mots de liaisons et avoir du vocabulaire. Je voudrais aussi que vous me corrigiez dans ce que j'ai déjà commencé. Merci !! :D

P.S : si vous avez des idées originales, n'hésitez pas ! ;)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Hello, My name is Juliette, i'm fourteen years old and i study at college ferdiannd bac in year ten, i live in France. I have a brother who's called Geoffrey but we don't really have time for arguments because he studies in Amiens and comes back only the week-end. I want to participate in Survivor for manies reasons. Above all, i want to prove to my friends and my family that i'm courageous and fearless. Moreover, i like challenges and i know what to expect. I already went in manies countries, i like discover a new country, with new culture, new landscapes, new people and maybe it has influenced me to participate in Survivor. I'm sporty even so i don't practise any sports but i love swimming and i've been able to swim since i'm six years old and i have already dived offshore up to twenty meters deep. In addition to that i already practised gymnastic. I can stand animals even insects and reptiles. I have some friends, i'm faithful to them but i also want to particpate in Survivor for new friendship and i think it would allow me to face my shyness. I'm sensible and I can control myself easily. To my mind, to participate in Survivor is a good experience to grow mentally and is a way for me to see another lifestyle.

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 avr. 2010

Coucou, je vois que tu as déjà un bon devoir ! Dois-tu te présenter à l'oral ? J'ai vu quelques fautes : lorsque tu emploi already, c'est dans le passé : j'ai déjà fait. Donc tu devras utiliser un auxiliaire : I've already... Dans ta dernière phrase, and is a way... On en sait pas de quel sujet tu parles, il faut mettre plutot : it's a way ou même mieux (pour accentuer, appuyer) that's a way. J'espère que je t'ai aidé et bon courage !

Posté le 28 avr. 2010
Merci beaucoup, oui je dois le présenter à l'oral mais dans une vidéo. :)
Posté le 30 avr. 2010
Eh bien je te conseille de garder ce que tu as car c'est bien !
Posté le 2 mai 2010
Et comment je pourrais dire : " Vivre en pleine nature ne me dérange pas. "
Posté le 2 mai 2010
To live in the middle of nowhere doesn't disturb me and will allow me to discover new sorts of trees, plants or animals.
I have some friends, i'm faithful to them but i also want to participate in Survivor for new friendship and i think it would allow me to face my shyness. I'm sensible and I can control myself easily.
To my mind, To participate in Survivor is a good experience to grow mentally and is a way for me to see another lifestyle.
About my luxury item, I would like to take with me a camera to immortalize this experience, keep memories and to share this trip with my family and my friends.
To win, I would be capable to carry a snake but I wouldn't be capable to eat spiders.

Voici la suite de mon devoir, pourriez vous me corriger ?
Posté le 3 mai 2010
salut :) j'ai juste corrigé quelques unes de tes phrases les autres étaient très bien.

I have some friends, i'm faithful to them but i also want to participate in Survivor to make new ones. In my opinion be a part of the show "survivor" is a good experience to be more mature and is a way for me to see another type of lifestyle.
if i could bring a luxury item, I would like to take a camera with me to immortalize this experience, keep memories and to share this trip with my family and my friends.
To win, I would be capable to carry a snake but I wouldn't be able to eat spiders.

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