Histoire de la Nouvelle Orléans

Publié le 14 févr. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 17 févr. 2017 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir


Bonjour à tous, si quelqu'un si connait en anglais merci de bien vouloir corriger mon anglais.

J'ai essayer a plusieurs reprise de me corriger mais je suis pas sur d'avoir réussi, merci a ceux qui auront pris le temps

25 août 

Fondation de la Nouvelle-Orléans

 New Orleans was founded in 1718 as a French colony under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville. The city is called "New Orleans" in honor of the Duke of Orleans.

Originally, the new colony was not appreciated because the Paris authorities considered its geographical position to be of little interest. It will later become the capital of the colony of Louisiana. Ceded in 1762 to Spain, which restored it to France in 1800, it was then sold to the United States in 1803 by the First Consul, Napoleon Bonaparte, with the rest of Louisiana.

7 juin 

La ségrégaton raciale aux Etats-Unis


Homer Plessy, a Métis, was arrested because he refused to leave the place he occupied in a white compartment on a train from New Orleans, Louisiana. As a result of this event, the "separate but equal" doctorate is adopted, which legitimizes racial segregation. In 1954, the policy of desegregation will begin.
26 février 

Le premier enregistrement de Jazz


New Orleans is considered the cradle of Jazz.

Jazz is born from the mixture of cultures and musical tastes between blacks, whites, and creos

. It was in 1917 that the first recording of Jazz, "Livery Stable Blues" by "The Original Dixieland Jazz Band" took place. It is a group of white musicians from Chicago who have been inspired by music in black society. The first recordings of black musicians date from 1922. Among the most famous musicians of this current, one can quote the great Louis Armstrong.

29 août 

Katrina dévaste la Nouvelle-Orléans


In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated and pollinated southern Louisiana and Mississippi, the affected territory is as vast as half of France. Because of the inability to bring down water levels and the risks of an epidemic, the government decided to evacuate the affected areas entirely. The balance sheet established a month later reported 1,836 deaths and 705 missing, while the damage is estimated at 125 billion dollars. Today, many neighborhoods are under reconstruction. Luckily, the historical heart of "Big Easy" was relatively spared, and one can still see its architecture from the colonial era.



1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 14 févr. 2017

In 1917 took place the first recording of Jazz, "Livery Stable Blues" from "The Original Dixieland Jazz Band". It is a group of Chicago white musicians who have been inspired by the music of black society. The earliest recordings of black musicians date from 1922. Among the most famous musicians of this current, we can quote the great Louis Armstrong.

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