Imagine the ideal school

Publié le 12 oct. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 19 oct. 2013 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir

Il faut imaginer l'école parfaite selon nous en utilisant des phrases comme " If I were the headteacher..." "If I were a teacher..." ou des phrases avec Wish pour le souhait

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pouvez vous me corrigez et me conseillez sur mon travail déjà fait
For me the ideal school would be a school that we would want to go and want to learn.
To start, if I were the Minister of Education, I would reduce the working time.
All classes end at 14h
The afternoon will be devoted entirely to the activities.
If I were the head teacher of the school, I will put at the disposal of the rooms where students could relax between classes or making music
If I were a teacher, I will not give more work at home, but just lessons to learn
I hope that the teachers are more passionate about their material to make it more interesting.
We could choose our teachers in all subjects
I would like working with computers rather than on books,
We have no books, and our bags are lighter
We have the best-equipped laboratories and we do more practical work
Finally, if I were a sports teacher, I offer several activities that suit everyone.
So school become a place that we would want to work

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