In English ;)

Publié le 31 oct. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 nov. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

"Ils sont venus me chercher. J'ai beaucoup parler avec eux. Ils sont très gentils"
"Ils m'ont promis que demain on fera les boutiques avant que je rejoigne mes camarades"

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

They came to look for me. I talked a lot with them. They are very kind.

9 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 31 oct. 2010
" They came to look for me. I have a lot to speak with them. They are very kind "
" They promised me that tomorrow we shall go shopping before I join my companions "

Je pence que c'est bon .
Posté le 31 oct. 2010
2eme phrase=

They promised me that tomorrow will be the shops before I joined my comrades "
Il ya quelque mot que jai chercher sur un dictionaire mais je conais pas exactement leur emplacement
Posté le 31 oct. 2010
Bonjour Lydiaa345,

Voici les corrections apportés à ta demande de devoir :)

"They came to look for me. I talked a lot with them. They are very kind"
"They promised me that tomorrow we will go shopping before I join my companions"


Benjamin CNED 3ème
Posté le 1 nov. 2010
They promise me , that tomorrow we'll go shopping before metting with my friends
Posté le 2 nov. 2010
They came to look for me. I have a lot to speak with them. They are very kind " " They promised me that tomorrow we shall go shopping before I join my companions "
Posté le 2 nov. 2010
Aux derniers Ca ne sert a rien de remettre ceux que les autres on dit
Posté le 3 nov. 2010
Salut! voila comment je traduirais ce texte :

"They came looking for me. I really talk to them. They are very nice"
"They promised me that tomorrow will be the shops before I joined my comrades"

Voila bon courage ;)
Ohlafollee (:
Posté le 3 nov. 2010
they came to pick me up. I spoke with them a lot. They are very kind.
They promised me that they day after that we would go shopping before i join my pals.
Posté le 3 nov. 2010
tu peux au moinn fermé ton devoirr et nous donner des points + nous remercier !
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