justify with the text

Publié le 26 mars 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 mars 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

bonjour quelqu'un pourrait m'aidé à repondre à des questions et en justifiant en anglais voila mercii beaucoup
voici le texte.
March 10,2008
Timberlake lets the music overflow
Two hours of frenetic performance by diana smith

Last night's concert at the o2 Arena with justin timberlake was a phenomenal sucess.Tickets sold out six months ago and people queued for more than six hours.There were 6,000 fans who went crazy as soon as he
appeared on stage.Justin timberlake sang non-stop for two hours.It was amazing!
Justin timberlake is a fantastic soul and R and B singer, a great dancer, a powerful band leader, and a competent keyboard and guitar player.
In 2007, he completed a world tour and visited all the major cities on all five continents.Last night's concert was the last time his fans could see him on stage.Timberlake wants time to work on his latest album and says he desperately needs to relax.His fans are going to miss him for some time .
voila merci
voici la consigne
right/wrong justify with the text.
1/PEOPLE queued for more than six days(L.4) (right ou wrong) justify with the text
2/he sang with a pause for two hours(L.7)(right ou wrong) justify with the text
3/he is a fantastic dancer(L.10) (right ou wrong) justify with the text
4/the concert was the last before the new album(L.19) (right ou wrong) justify with the text.
5/he wants time to have holidays(L.20)(rightou wrong) justify with the text
bonne soirée

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

voila jai commencé
1/no because the text said "people queued for more than six hours" .
2/wrong because the tex said "Justin timberlake sang non-stop for two hours".
3/yes the text said "justin is a great dancer".
4/no because the text said "Last night's concert was the last time his fans could see him on stage".
5/no the text said "he desperately needs to relax".
voila merci de votre aide

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 mars 2010

toujours sur le même texte...

1) wrong, correct + bonne citation
2) wrong, correct + bonne citation
3) right, correct + bonne citation

4) réponse fausse.
=> question: ce concert était le dernier avant son nouvel album.
dernier paragraphe: phrase avec "latest album"

5) réponse fausse mais bonne citation!
=> question: il veut du temps pour des vacances.
tu justifies un non par: il a désespérément besoin de se détendre.

J'espère que c'est le dernier exo sur ce texte sinon tu le connaitras par coeur!
Posté le 27 mars 2010
merci beaucoup de ton aidé jai un autre exercice sur ce texte .
bonne soirée

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