Mettez les phrases au style au style indirect / English .

Publié le 31 mai 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 juin 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Mettez les phrases au style au style indirect :
1." My parents are going back to Paris " Ann said
2." I have an important meeting tomorrow " John said
3." I'm sorry I can't come to the party " John said
4." My parents will be free on the 12th ", Mr Sharp said
5." Wa won't forget to come to the party ".They said
6."I must be back in Paris before 17 th July " .I Said
7." Wath's your adress in London " Sam asked .
8." Are you really glad of your stay in USA " George asked .
9."Do the Cassels have to go bach soon " . Betty asked

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je n'est pas bien compris la leçon si quelqu'un peut m'aidé les amis c'est mieu que les sites , Thank You .

8 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 31 mai 2011
merci de me soutenir et de m'aider , je vais faire un éffort :)
Posté le 31 mai 2011
1.Ann said that her parents were going back to Paris
2.John said that he had an important meeting the following day
3.john said that he was sorry he couldn't come to the party
4.Mr Sharp said that his parents would be free on the 12th
5.they said that they wouldn't forget to come to the party
6.i said that i had to be back in paris before 17th July
7.sam asked what was my adress in London asked if i was really glad of my stay in USA
9.betty asked if the cassels had to go back soon
Posté le 31 mai 2011
khadija c moi safya lol
Posté le 31 mai 2011
Merci Beaucoupp !!! Si j'aurais une explication ca serait mieux .
Posté le 31 mai 2011
Bobsoir , AH oui JE Voi c'est comme prendre les dernier personnes de la phrase et de les placé au début =)Thank You !!
Posté le 31 mai 2011
Bobsoir , AH oui JE Voi c'est comme prendre les dernier personnes de la phrase et de les placé au début =)Thank You !!
Posté le 31 mai 2011
Bonsoir * ^^
Posté le 31 mai 2011
Bonsoir * ^^

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