pouvez vous corriger mes fautes sil vous plait (merci d'avance)

Publié le 5 janv. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 janv. 2011 dans 13A
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Sujet du devoir

bjr je dois ecrire un article car je suis une journaliste
pouvez vous me corriger mes fautes merci

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Mckay's est un sauveur
Brian Mckay est un célèbre vétérinaire, il a écrit 3 livres; le premier parle de pingouin et le deuxième parle d'ours.
Il est fou d'animaux, hier il est passé dans une célèbre radio, elle s'appelle CBC et le titre du programme radio est bonne lecture.
il a fait plusieurs voyages, il est partis en Angleterre, en Italie, en Germanie...mais il n'est pas partis en inde ni au Portugal.
Dans la radio il a dit :"dans le hyde park j'ai vu beaucoup d'écureuils qui sautaient sur une voiture, ils allaient mourir mais je suis venus les sauver"
Il a beaucoup d'expérience.

Mckay's a saviour
Brian Mc kay is the famous vet, he has written three books, the first book was about oinguoin and the second book was a study on bears.
he is crazy about of animals.
yesterday he passed on a radio channel famous she name is CBC and the title of the radio programm is good read.
he has do a lot of travels , he has been to England,Italy, Germany...but he hasn't been to India and to Portugal.
In the radio channel he says : "in the Hyde Park I see a lot of happeneds who jumping on car they will to die but i am come save the life of happened."
he has a lot of experience

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 janv. 2011
Bonjour Ines

beau travail voici mes corrections en majuscules mais relis bien car il y a des mots que j'ai supprimés aussi.

Mckay's a saviour
Brian Mc kay is A famous vet, he has written three books, the first book was about pinguins and the second book was a study on bears.
he is crazy about of animals.
yesterday he WAS on a FAMOUS radio channel WHICH name is CBC and the title of the radio programm is : "ENJOY YOUR READING".
he has TRAVELLED a lot , he has been to England,Italy, Germany...but he hasn't NEVER been to India and to Portugal.
ON the radio channel he SAID : "in Hyde Park I see a lot of SQUIRRELS jumping on carS they WERE ABOUT to die but I CAME TO save THEIR LIFE."
he has a lot of experience.

à bientôt
Posté le 5 janv. 2011
merci beaucoup pour votre précieuse aide
bonne continuation :)
Posté le 6 janv. 2011
Bonjour Ines21600,

Voici la correction:

Mc Kay's a saviour.
Brian Mc Kay is A famous vet, he has written three books, the first book was about penguins and the second book was a study on bears. He is crazy about animals.
Yesterday he was on a famous radio channel, the name is CBC and the title of the radio program is : "Good Read".
He has travelled a lot, he has been to England, Italy, Germany... but he hasn't NEVER been to India or to Portugal.
On the radio channel he said: "In Hyde Park I see a lot of squirrels jumping on cars they were about to die but I came to save their lives." He has a lot of experience.


Benjamin CNED 3ème
Posté le 6 janv. 2011
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