pouvez vous me corriger mes fautes svp merci

Publié le 12 sept. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 sept. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

pouvez vous me corriger mes fautes svp merci

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

She belangs to the dijon football club.She practices every Wednesday and friday from seven to eight.She has a math on saturdays at tree oclok's.She started in two thousand and four. She has played for seven years since two thousand and four. She hopes she will be a professional

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 12 sept. 2011
Coucou Nini21
She belongs
sinon je ne vois pas d'autre erreur ;)

Posté le 12 sept. 2011
She belongs to the dijon football club.She plays it every Wednesday and friday from seven to eight pm .She has a football game every saturday at 3 pm. She started it in 2004. She has played it for seven years. She hopes she will be a professional soccer player someday.

Posté le 12 sept. 2011
Bonsoir nini21 ;

She BELONGS to the dijon football club.She practices every Wednesday and friday from seven to eight.She has a math on saturdays at tree oclok's.She started in two thousand and four. She has played for seven years since two thousand and four. She hopes she will be a professional .

Comme te l'a dit Nanouchaha c'est Belongs et pas Belangs !

Bon courage et bonne soirée !

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