raconter tes vacances en anglais

Publié le 7 mars 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 mars 2017 dans 7A
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Sujet du devoir

salut vous pouvez corrige mon devoir en anglais on doit raconter ces vacances en anglais


The first weekend i was not aware that I was on vacation, it’s only the Monday that I have realized if I could make the morning thanks. I was very happy. During the first days I was very busy doing my homework, but I am especially pleased to go skiing. Once finished my homework, I went out with my friends and play football. Thursday I started a little bored because many of my friends were skiing holidays. So I play video games to pass the time. I was really disappointed because this year I went the last weekend to ski. The second week many of my friends were back when I was little more telling. Mondays I was in town to do shopping and Tuesday I’m going to the cinema. Thursday I’m going to play baby foot with some friends. Friday morning I was crazy because I was leaving on vacation in SAVOIE. When we arrived at our destination that night, we were tired, so we went to sleep in hotel. The next day was a sunny day, it’s ideal for skiing. At down we went skiing. Sunday we just skied in the morning but the snow was very good. When the night arrived, we had to return to the house. I was very happy because my vacation was very incredible and beautiful.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 mars 2017

we had to return to the house.

we had to return at home??


we just skied in the morning

we just skied  morning



Mondays I was in town to do shopping

Monday I was in town to do shopping


Quelques souvenirs d'anglais

Posté le 7 mars 2017



Posté le 7 mars 2017

Il doit y en avoir encore, attends un peu.

Posté le 7 mars 2017

Aide moi sil te plaît pour un devoir de francais pour demain y as 5 jetons


Posté le 9 mars 2017

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