traduction en anglais

Publié le 10 avr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 13 avr. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Williams a était trouvé par sa fille, il était inanimé. La fillette a d'abord appeler son frère qui lui a
appeler les secours, puis la police. Quand elle a trouver son père, il était allonger sur le sol de sa chambre a coucher.

pouriez-vous me traduire se texte en anglais svp

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

aidez moi svp

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 10 avr. 2010
Poste ton travail on ne va pas le faire à ta place !
Posté le 10 avr. 2010

William was found by his daughter. He was still unconscious. First,the daughter called her brother who then called the emergency and the police.
When she found her father, he was lying on his bedroom's floor.

Posté le 10 avr. 2010
Posté le 10 avr. 2010
Voila la traduction :
-Williams was found by his daughter, he was unconscious. The girl began to call his brother who has
call for help, then the police. When she found her father, he was lying on the floor of his bedroom
Posté le 12 avr. 2010
William has he was found by his daughter, was inanimate. The girl has at first to call his brother who has him
Call the help, then the police. When she has to find his father, he was to grow longer on the ground of his room has bedtime.

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