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Publié le 26 janv. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 29 janv. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Aujourd'hui le 31 Juillet 2OO2 , un heureux évenement c'est passée . La naissance de mon petit cousin à 14h3O . J'étais dans mon salon entrin de regarder la télé , et on reçu un coup de téléphone . C'étais ma tante qui venée d'accoucher .Quand ma mère m'annonca la bonne nouvelle , j'étais super heureuse .Donc on parta à l'hopital . Arrivez dans la chambre de ma tante, je pris mon petit cousin dans mes bras . Il s'appelle Sofian , il est trop beau

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Rien .

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 janv. 2010
Attention les fautes en français:
-un heureux évènement s'est passé
-en train de
-qui venait d'accoucher
-on partit

Essaie de traduire tes phrases et nous t'aiderons si tu en as besoin.

Posté le 26 janv. 2010
Today July 31 2OO2, a happy event happened. The birth of my little cousin 14h3O. I was in my living room watching TV, and we received a phone call. It was my aunt who vené of birth. When my mother informed me the good news, I was super happy. So we went to the hospital. Arrived in the room of my aunt, I took my little cousin in my arms. He called Sofian, it is too good
Posté le 26 janv. 2010
The 31th July 2002, a happy event happened in my family.

I was in the living room and I watched the tv when there was a phone call.
It was my aunt who had just given birth (un peu moche comme tournure).
Je te propose:
She announced that my new little cousin was born exactly at 2.30 pm. When my mother said me the good news, I was so happy, it was awesome (génial).
Thereby (de ce fait), we went to the hospital to visit him.
When we were in the room, I saw the baby and took him in my arms.
He called Sofian and he is so beautiful.

Qu'en penses tu ? je n'ai pas modifié grand chose, tu avais presque tout fait. Si tu veux rajouter d'autres idées/dialogues hésites pas ! Bonne continuation
Posté le 27 janv. 2010

une dernière correction du texte de Simmagic:

The 31th July 2002, a happy event happened in my family.
I was in the living room and I was watching (action en cours à ce moment là) the tv when there was a phone call.
My aunt announced that my new baby cousin (généalogiquement ton cousin mais bébé et non petit) was born at exactly 2.30 pm (inversion entre "at" et "exactly"). When my mother told (pas said) me the good news, I was so happy, it was awesome.
Thereby, we went to the hospital to visit him.
When we were in the room, I saw the baby and took him in my arms.
He is called Sofian (je suppose qu'il vit toujours?) and he is so beautiful.

Bon courage
Posté le 27 janv. 2010
cenedra a vu juste, comme d'hab :)

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