Dialogue entre un ami et moi

Publié le 17 déc. 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 19 déc. 2018 dans 5A
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Sujet du devoir


je dois faire un dialogue en anglais

consigne : Votre meilleur ami a décidé de vous inviter à un restaurants d'insectes. Vous n'êtes pas d'accord et refusez d'essayer le restaurant d'insectes. Il essaie de vous convaincre imaginez le dialogue et jouez-le.

Le prôbleme c'est que je n'arrive pas à lier mes idée entre elles. 

Est ce que vous pouvez me donnez des exemples de dialogues svp 

merci de votre aide.


3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 déc. 2018


Bon, déjà mon ami s'appellera Alexandre si ça ne te dérange pas ;)


-Hi !

-Hi Alexandre ! 

-How are you ?

-I'm hungry.

-Perfect !

-Why ?

-Do you want to try my favorite restaurant ? 

-Maybe, what's this restaurant ?

-An insect restaurant !

-Wait... what did you say ?

-An insect restaurant, I've discover this thing the last week and I wanted to invite you in one of this restaurant but I didn't know if you would like...

-I won't.

-Why ?

-Because I won't eat insects ! They are disgusting !

-They're disgusting in appearances but not in taste ! Believe me !

-No, I won't. And, why me ? You've other friends than me !

-They won't and you're my last option...

-I believed that you thought about me for this in first place. 

-Of course, but I knew you would refuse to try new experiences like this one, so I prefered to ask my other friends before asking you.


Alors, je suis trop faignante pour écrire une suite à cette histoire mais au moins ça te fera un petit exemple.

Posté le 19 déc. 2018

Salut! J'ai vu quelque fautes dans to texte, donc je viens corriger un tout petit peu, mais si je n'ai pas bien compris ton texte et les regles de grammaire que tu as utilisé, dis le moi! Voila :

-An insect restaurant, I've discovered this thing last week and I wanted to invite you to one of these restaurants but I don't know if you will like it...

-They're disgusting in appearance but not in taste 

You've got other friends than me 

They won't come and you're my last option...

I thought I was the first friend you asked about this. 


-Of course not, I knew you would refuse to try a new experience like this one, so I prefered to ask my other friends before asking you.

Posté le 19 déc. 2018

Bah, combien de temps doit durer ton dialogue? Tu peux faire des recherches sur internet en anglais des benefices de manger des insectes, et faire un peu du copier-coller, ou nous mettre ton texte ici et on peut aider a traduire. Le debut depend de comment tu rencontre ton ami etcetera... Je peux te faire vite fait un modele, mais je te laisse imaginer pour le debut du dialogue pour comment tu rencontre ton ami (adapte les mots a ton niveau d'anglais):

Ami : Hey [Toi], are you busy this afternoon? I'd like to bring you to this interesting restaurant I discovered the other day.

Toi : No, I'm not busy at all... but what's so interesting about your restaurant?

A : Well, I'll tell you, but don't make a scene, alright? It's an insect restaurant. You literally eat insects!

T : Wait, what? Insects?! No way dude! Those are disgusting!

A: No, listen [Toi], really they're actually really good for your health, and from personnal experience they don't taste that bad at all!

T : You've eaten insects before? Oh jeez, how could you? They're so slimy... And gooey.. They're so tiny and feed off of poop and carcasses!

A : But they're washed! And nutritous! Come on, [Toi] give it a try! You'll be able to brag about it later!

T : Brag about eating maggots and larvae? Forget it!

A : What if you get in a plane crash? Like in the movies you land in a jungle and have to survive on your own and stuff. Wouldn't you be glad to know how to cook and eat insects?

T : Chances of that happening are slim... Right?

A : Well you never know, it's always great to be prepared. 

T : I don't know [Ami], I'm still hesitating... I bet they smell horrible too...

A : In that case, pinch your nose! And drink a whole bunch of water to swallow the bug if you can't, but trust me, the first few bites might be hard, but it goes down just like an oyster.

T : Well... I do like oysters. Hmm.. The restaurant must be super expensive though, if eating insects is as beneficial to one's body as you say it is.

A : Not even a little bit! It's about the same price as any normal meal. Tell you what, for your first try, I'll pay. Promise.

T : Well if it's on you... I guess I could give it a go. But if I end up liking it, don't you dare make fun of me


C'est un text complet, tu peux faire des modifications, changer l'ordre... Si tu as des questions, repond a ce message! Et oui, je suis bilingue, en fait je parle mieux anglais que Francais!

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