Ecris la biographie de Charlie CHAPLIN au preterict

Publié le 17 mars 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 19 mars 2010 dans 14A
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Sujet du devoir

Né à Londres en 1889:chanteurs-trés pauvres.
Joue pour la premiere fois en 1897 avec son frére.
Voyage beaucoup puis signe son premier contrat à Hollywood en 1913.
Joue dans beaucoup de films(the kid en 1920).
Démenagement pour la suisse en 1953.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Charlie CHAPLIN was born in London in 1889 in a very poor district. her relatives were the actors of music hall who taught to their son to sing and to dance. He had only one year when his father leaves to the United States. The poverty settled down in the home. Hannah, becomes crazy, she will be interned in a hospital in June, 1894. Charlie and his brothers are placed in an orphanage. He appeared on stage dices the age of eight years. Chaplin rise on stage to replace her mother who cannot sing any more, because she had a hoarseness. The brother of Charlie, Sydney leaves the parental home to work in the navy. Charles Spencer is alone with her mother. In 1916 he signs a million dollar contract, which leaves him the production and the property of eight planned movies. He makes build then at once his own studio in which he realizes six movies. (The kid in 1920). In 1943, while he has just got married for the fourth time. He is harassed by FBI because of his claimed left opinions. For that reason, he sees refusing the visa of return during his stay in Europe. He gives up then his residence in the United States and install his family with Switzerland. He will died on December 25th in the morning .Début in March, 1978, his grave is plundered.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 mars 2010
Charlie Chaplin was born in London in 1889 in a very poor district. He had relatives who were the actors of the Music Hall who taught him to sing and dance. He was only one year old when his father left for the Unites States. He and his family became very poor. Hannah, who became mentally ill, was interned in a hospital in June, 1894. Charlie and his brothers were then placed in an orphanage. At the age of eight, he appeared on stage for the first time, so he could try to replace his mother who could not sing anumore because of her hoarseness. Charlie's brother, Sydney, leaves home so he could work in the navy. Charles Spencer is alone with his mother. In 1916 he signed a million dollar contract, which involved him with the production of eight planned movies (The kid, 1920). In 1943, he got married for the fourth time. He was harassed by the FBI because of his political opinions. He gave up his residence in the United States and went to Switzerland with his family. He doed on the 25th of December 1977. :)
Posté le 18 mars 2010
Fermez vos devoirs svp c'est très énervant .........
Posté le 18 mars 2010


Sans utiliser de traducteur d'anglais, bien évidemment, je te dirai :

Je t'ai traduit tes petites phrases, (j'ai fais phrases par phrases) :

Né à Londres en 1889, de chanteurs très pauvres :

Charly Chaplin was born on the year 1889, (of a very poor singers.)

Joue pour la premiere fois en 1897 avec son frère :

He played for the first time on 1897 (when he had just eight years !) with her brother.

Voyage beaucoup puis signe son premier contrat à Hollywood en 1913 :

He more travelled then, he signed his first contract at Hollywood, on the year 1913.

Joue dans beaucoup de films(the kid en 1920).

He played in more movies (than the "Kids", in 1920)

Démenagement pour la suisse en 1953.

and he went for the Suisse in 1923.

Bonne Journée,
Mathy (:

Posté le 18 mars 2010
Puisque tu es en 5ème ton/ta prof va s'apercevoir que ce que tu proposes là n'est pas de toi, mais que tu t'es largement fait aider ! Reste simple ! Utilise les renseignements donnés dans ton devoir et éventuellement rajoute la date et le lieu où il est mort.
voyager : travel (prétérit : travelled)
voyager beaucoup : travel a lot
jouer (dans un film) : act (prétérit régulier ==> acted)
déménager : move (prétérit régulier)

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