pourriez vous me corriger ces 2 exercices

Publié le 18 févr. 2019 il y a 5A par dapoigny - Fin › 21 févr. 2019 dans 5A
18.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

complete with a an some any

Are there some chairs in the kitchens?

there aren t some skyscrapers in the town

there isn t any electricity in the house

us there a swimming pool in your area

there s an egg in the fridge

there are some plants in my bedroom

Complete avec the correct form of he verb be  je pense que j n ai pas du comprendre

there are a computer on the desk

there are any water in the desert

there are any houses on the island

are ther any people in the swimming pool

are ther any traffic on the road


1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 févr. 2019

Exercice 1

1. Any 

2. Any

3. Any 

4. A

5. Any

6. Some

Exercice 2

1. Are 2. Aren't 3. Aren't 4. Are 5. Are Voilà j'ai fait ce que j'ai pu mais vérifie quand même

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