Les romans fantastique

Publié le 4 juin 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 juin 2012 dans 11A

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Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I love reading and my favourite genre is fantasy ; i also like watching fantasy film. My favorite fantasy book is the city of darkness by Cassandra Clare.
The main characters are a pair of vampire hunters: Clary and Jace
The story tells their story as that vampire hunters, they will have problems ...
I love this novel because the author propels us into a world where vampires and humans live together.
I would have loved living in the city of darkness and meet jace, the killer of demons.
The novel we discover fantastic worlds, magical characters endearing and I love reading these novels because I often see myself in these characters
I really love reading and I read everything but my favorite novel are fantasy novels

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 4 juin 2012

I love reading and my favorite kind of book is fantasy novels. I also like watching fantasy films. In fact, the book which is considred by me as the best is "The City of Darkness" which had been wrote by Cassandra Clare. The main characters are a pair of vampire hunters who are called Clary and Jace.
I love this novel because the author propels us into a world where vampires and human live together.
I would have loved living in this city of meet Jace, the killer of demons.
In this kind of novels we can discover fantastic worlds, magical characters endearing and the main reason for which I read these books is that I often see a reflect of myself in thse characters.
I really love reading and every book can be read by me but my favorite kind of novels are those who speak about fantasy.

Pas grand chose de remanié finalement, à part que j'ai dû rajouter un peu de partout du "kind" qui signifie "sorte, genre". Après, j'ai essayé de tourner les phrases pour dire la même chose mais en sortant de la simplicité.

Après, on peut encore améliorer le texte je pense.
Posté le 5 juin 2012
Merci beaucoup :)

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