My work placement at "le 145" restaurant in Bonneville

Publié le 4 juin 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 juin 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

Texte d'environ 20 ligne pour mon oral d'anglais.
J'ai vraiment besoin que quelqu'un me le corrige et restructure mes phrases, si possible.
Merci d'avance

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I left for training course to the restaurant 145 from January 12th to february 11th. This restaurant is situated to Bonneville behind the church.
This restaurant which is rather a brewery proposes a simple menus and which is to estimate customers.
This restaurant was created 3 years ago.
The restaurant can welcom about fifty customers, Marie the boss, she's maitre d'hotel. Head chef is kévin
With kévin, there is an apprentice who is called thierry
During this training course which has to last 1 month I was a waitress.
I liked this training course, there was a very good atmosphere, and I got well with Marie
Marie enormously relied on me, sometimes left me only to the restaurant, I had to manage
Since I left, me work there low the week end. And I would work there low this summer.
I like very much this restaurant

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 4 juin 2012
I completed a one-month training period at the restaurant 145 from January 12th to February 11th, 2012. The restaurant is located in Bonneville behind the church.
It is rather a brewery than a restaurant but offers menus and is very appreciated by customers. It was founded 3 years ago and can welcome about 50 people. The staff consists of Marie, the restaurant manager and also the maitre d'hotel, and Kevin, Head chef.
Kevin also works with Thierry who is an apprentice.
During my training period, I worked as a waiter.
My internship was very interesting. The work environment was very good, and I got along very Marie. She tremendously relied on me and occasionally left me alone to manage the restaurant. Since I finished my training period, I have been working there during the week-end and I will work there again this summer. I really like this restaurant.
Posté le 5 juin 2012
Merci beaucoup :)

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