Topogramme sur Nelson mandela

Publié le 29 nov. 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 déc. 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

je dois faire un exposé sur Nelson Mandela mais je ne peux que m'aider d'un topogramme(mindmap). Il me faut 10 point au total qui résume la vie de Mandela et tout doit y être.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

non je n'ai rien fait

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 déc. 2012
Nelson Mandela whose real name is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in Mvezo, Cape Province, South Africa, on July 18, 1918.
Nelson Mandela is best known for his struggle against apartheid in South Africa. He has chaired South Africa, in the wake of the first national non-racial elections from 1994 to 1999.
As early as 1944 Nelson Mandela is already fighting against the political domination of the white minority and against racial segregation by integrating the African National Congress (ANC).
The Afrikaner National Party came to power in 1948, establishes the laws of apartheid. Nelson Mandela, who is now a lawyer, take part in non-violent struggle against the establishment of these racist laws.
The ANC having been banned, Nelson Mandela went on to found in 1961 a military branch of the ANC referred to as Umkhonto we Sizwe.
Nelson Mandela was arrested by the South African government supported by the CIA and was sentenced to prison and hard labor for life.
Nelson Mandela, following the Soweto riots in 1976, became a figure and a symbol in the struggle for racial equality, he will be supported by many populations coming from all over the world.
Nelson Mandela spent twenty seven years in prison and it's only on February 11, 1990 that he is finally released from prison.
He was awarded a Nobel Prize for Peace in 1993.
After five years of politics, he withdrew and become more involved in the fight against AIDS, whom one of his son died of(=that caused the death of one of his sons).
Even today, he remains a leading figure concerning the Human Rights.

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