Anglais : Compréhension écrite avec une rédaction de 100 mots, la rédaction est générale elle ne porte pas sur le texte

Publié le 30 avr. 2013 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 mai 2013 dans 11A
12.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Le sujet est : write about 100 words : how do you feel about the future after your studies ?
je suis en premiere année de BTS banque
J'ai fait le sujet en entier et j'aimerai avoir une correction, merci

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I think that there is an amount of possibilities for my future. In fact every study opens the door of different jobs, especially my BTS bank. So, I’m feeling so good about my future.

Firstly, the internships that I make during two years can let me to have a job offer. My branch is very good, all employers are friendly, and so there is a good atmosphere.

Secondly, the banking sector it's in developing so there are a lot of job possible. In fact, banks aren’t in crisis they can't close because everybody (people, state, business) need them. Moreover bank broaden their field, they sell financial products and services but also insurance and phone.
These let me to have different job offers.

To conclude, I’m not worry for my future because I have a large choice, I can change of jobs if I want (I can work in bank, in insurance companies, for the security (alarm), in the phone, but also in real estate, ...).
And even if i stay in the bank, there are different trades and i can advance easily that let me to various my tasks, my activities.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 avr. 2013
Opens the door to many different jobs.
Feeling very good (so good ne ce dit pas)
That I will make during the next two years, will give a job offer.
All these fields let me have the choice of my job (sinon tu te répète)
I'm not worrying about my future.
I can change jobs...
(in banks...)
That let's me vary my tasks and activities.

Posté le 30 avr. 2013
Tout le monde ne partage pas ta vision idyllique des banques, mais bon....

I think that there is an amount of possibilities for my future. In fact every degree (or diploma) opens the door to different jobs, especially my BTS bank. So, I’m feeling good about my future.

Firstly, the internships that I do during two years can lead to a job offer. My branch is very good, all employers (employers=employeurs employees=employés je pense que tu veux dire employees) are friendly, and there is a good atmosphere. (tu utilises trop souvent "so")

Secondly, the banking sector is developing so there are a lot of jobs available. In fact, banks aren’t in crisis they can't close because everybody (people, state, business) needs them. Moreover banks broaden their field, they sell financial products and services but also insurance and phone.
These can mean different job offers.

To conclude, I’m not worried for my future because I have a large choice, I can change jobs if I want (I can work in bank, in insurance, for the security company, in the phone industry, but also in the property industry) (real estate=americain pas anglais).
And even if i stay in the bank, there are different divisions and i can advance easily and learn various tasks and activities.
Posté le 30 avr. 2013
Merci de ton aide
Posté le 30 avr. 2013
Je te remercie pour ta réponse détaillée

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