Argumentation en anglais

Publié le 5 nov. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 nov. 2015 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, pourriez vous juste relire mon argumentation et me dire s'il y a des fautes que je n'aurais pas vu ?

Merci d'avance !

Foreign language instruction (not) should begin when children are 5 years old :

Teach to a child to know well how speak french was enough, but now with our consumer society and with the development of news technologies of communication, to know a second language becomes important, and it goes it to stay certainly. The society to ask it. Today, a child should teach a foreign language very early at school in order to communicate with the rest of the world. Not only to communicate, to teach a language is discover another culture, with another way of life. For some time now, the idea to make learn oneself another language to his or her child when has five years old, that is earlier, becomes a mode. But this mode not have to pertub them in particular in their learning of thier mother tongue. It’s why the parents have to be careful with this instruction.

A lot of people think it’s easier to learn a language when we are very young because the language is better learn at a young age, but it’s not always the case and it’s not true. Children are often immature when they are young. It’s normal because a child don’t know to sum up or to classify, wich are skills wich learn later in the life, and wich can help a child in learning language.

Make listen to a foreign language at a young child with songs, books or with others oral devices, for the child learns this language « unconsciouly » is useless. Just hear this « strange » language without understanding the real sense of this word is it what can arrive, if an adult does not explain nothing on the traduction. A young person not can assimilate the comprehension of some words like that, not like an adult or a child when has 10 years old, for instance. So, children will not see the interest of this language if they can not communicate really, or express oneself, with the others. Although they do not understand what he hears.

In more, if a parent is not a bilingual, it’s more difficult. Her daugther or his son can not understand his father because of his accent or because of his poor knowledge of the language. In other words, the child risks to have a bad accent and it’s not good for him, and his future laguage learning. A bad instruction not help, because children can make confusions betwenn two words of two different languages, just beacause of the problem of the accent for example. A child will should to speak with a person who speaks this language because it’s his/her language of origin.

We can see this concept is finally just a mode, because many parents give up this lessons into an age where, unfortunately, their child will forget all of this language.

In brief, the answer to the issue of the foreign language instruction is clear today for everybody : the language learnig is very important and became natural, in school for example. Everybody speaks or practises at least two languages, with their language of origin. We already know this. However, this instruction must be made with rigor especially with children when are five years old. The parents should have the good tools. Now the question is how well to teach a foreign language to a child ?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je voudrais surtout pouvoir une correction ecrite, et si possible d'autres idées que l'on pourrait m'appporter.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 nov. 2015

Tiens je t'ai corrigé le premier paragraphe, attention il y a quelques fautes mais c'est pas mal!:

Foreign language instructions should not begin when children are 5 years old :

Teaching a child how to speak french is enough, but now with our consumer society and with the development of new technologies such as communication, to learn a second language becomes essential. It is society that asks for it. Today, a child should learn a foreign language very early at school in order to communicate with the rest of the world. Not only to communicate, to learn a language is to discover another culture, with another way of life. For some time now, the fact that one has to learn another language to his or her child when he or she has five years old becomes a tendancy. But this mode not have to derange them particularly in their learning of their mother tongue. It’s why the parents have to be careful with this instruction.

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