Besoin d'une correction sur mon devoir

Publié le 21 nov. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 nov. 2015 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

Alors voilà j'ai un devoir à rendre en anglais, et j'aimerais que quelqu'un de plus expérimenté que moi apporte une correction si c'est possible pour que ça fasse plus anglais, et moins français traduit, car j'ai encore du mal à me détacher de la pensée française.

En remerciant pas avance celui qui m'aidera :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


After being graduated, I hesitated between becoming a professor or a translator, I hesitate always, but in both cases English LLCE was appropriate, it is therefore very natural that I have made this choice of study. By making this choice, I had as objective to improve my level of English, overcome my lacunas and reinforce my strong points and my waiting of the education in this program it is that it helps me in this direction, by giving me the necessary tools

Difficultés rencontrées:

I met at first a difficulty in adapting me to the rhythm of the college, where there is a few hours of class, but where it is necessary to develop habits to work more at home. The first week is also confusing that all the lessons are in English, beside than sometimes it is also necessary to get used to the accent of the professor, but it I got used to it.
I also met a difficulty in the job waited in literature, because I have difficulties in analyzing a text, even in French, I wondered therefore how I am going to be able making a work where I am not good with my mother tongue.

Solutions envisagées:

For the problem of understanding in the oral examination, I planned to start to look regularly at series in English subtitled English, it combines an oral and written understanding, and a mixture of two allows me a good general understanding of the document.
For the problem of literature I planned to read methods and I try to train once a week besides for what one waits in class.

Solutions apportées:

I began looking at an episode on the evening of an American series, in English subtitled English, the benefits of this method, it is that I entertain my ear and enriched my vocabulary while amusing me, the only disadvantage it is that I work predominantly the American accent and less the British ones.
I take back my lessons regularly, by rewriting them, rereading them, or by making the kinds of quizzes, all that allows me to fix courts better in my head, but this takes time.


Thanks to solution brought, I made progress in oral understanding, and in training and knowledge of my lessons. But I must improve my level of expression, for it I have to force myself to speak English and to correspond in English, I therefore thought of finding an online correspondent.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 nov. 2015

juste pour info: dans difficultés rencontrées le mot court signifie tribunal est ce réellement ce que tu voulais dire ??

dans solutions  on ne dit pas one time a week mais once a week

sinon ton texte me parait bon ;)


Posté le 21 nov. 2015

Ok merci :) j'ai corrigé ^^

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